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How Fetch Highlighted Rows from a SAP Table



Just wanted to ask how to fetch data rows from SAP table (type of GuiTableControl).

I want to fetch the values for the highlighted/selected rows only and save it to a DataTable.

Example of the reference SAP Table where I only want to grab the data for row 2 & 3 (the selected rows).


But I don't know what property to achieve the "IsHighlighted" logic below.

using System;
using System.Data;
using SAPFEWSELib;

class Program
    static void Main()
        GuiTableControl SapTable = (GuiTableControl)session.FindById("your_tablecontrol_id");

        DataTable selectedRowsTable = new DataTable();
        selectedRowsTable.Columns.Add("Column1", typeof(string));
        selectedRowsTable.Columns.Add("Column2", typeof(string));

        for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < SapTable.RowCount; rowIndex++)
            if (IsHighlighted(rowIndex))  // Todo: How to detect if highlighted
                DataRow newRow = selectedRowsTable.NewRow();
                newRow["Column1"] = SapTable.GetCellValue(rowIndex, "Column1");
                newRow["Column2"] = SapTable.GetCellValue(rowIndex, "Column2");
                selectedRowsTable.Rows.Add(newRow); // Add only highlighted rows

        foreach (DataRow row in selectedRowsTable.Rows)
            Console.WriteLine($"{row["Column1"]}, {row["Column2"]}");



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GuiTableControl organizes the rows in a collection of objects of type GuiTableRow.
See also:

Each of the rows is an object in this collection and has properties like "Selected". See also:

Best regards,