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How do I accept an answer to my question?


Just as a friendly reminder: If your question has been sufficiently answered, it's good practice to accept the (most) fitting answer as "accepted" - says the Forum Nanny.

Of course a very "meta" topic - but just

  1. as this has come up on an older question and
  2. as lots of questions have - apparently sufficient - answers but not accepted ones - look at these with a blue icon in the question view...

Just to add: The mentioned FAQ isn't relevant anymore w.r.t. the automatical "re-freshing" of answers in the former site. However, accepting answers is still useful IMHO:

  1. to give feedback that the question is really answered (and when deliberately not accepting an answer, to give the opposite feedback)
  2. and to get reputation points (both for the question and the answer) - and that's still useful to do stuff here...

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)


To cite Justin from the above FAQ:

Do you see a gray circle with a tick in it under the votes on the left hand margin of the answers?
You need to click on that.

Re How do I accept an answer to my question

0 Kudos

...Done that:)

Answers (0)