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How can we apply filters on navigation properties of associated entities in a SAP CAP OData service

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Hi Team,

We have three entities: Entity A, Entity B, and Entity C in our SAP CAP model. There are associations between Entity A and both Entity B and Entity C.

We want to write a select query to retrieve data from Entity A by applying filters on the properties of Entity B and Entity C. However, we are facing difficulty in constructing the correct query to apply filters on the navigation properties at the service level. Could someone please provide guidance on how to write this query?

FYI:- We are using NodeJS

Thanks in advance.
SAP Cloud Application Programming Model  SAP BTP, Cloud Foundry runtime and environment #Nodejs 


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I would suggest you check out the Lambda Operators of OData V4.

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Hi @gregorw,

I want to implement this in CAP Service.