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How can I import my SAP GUI Migration file onto the new pc?



I have recently moved over to a new pc, and I have exported the my SAP GUI settings using the path on the SAP Logon Pad - SAP GUI Options - Restore and Cleanup, and then Export. When I try to import that file on the new PC, I get the error "Could not expand the ZIP Archive file. Process cannot continue". 

How do I get past this issue. I noticed that the ZIP file has a Password, but no idea what that password is. I checked the SAP Document Version: 8.00 PL04 – 2023-08-03 - SAP GUI administration document, page 9, and it states "The compressed file is protected by a user-specific password to prevent unintentional transfer to another user and, thus, to guarantee the consistency of the export." What is this password? How do I get the SAP GUI migration file imported? 

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Product and Topic Expert


What mamartins said is absolutely correct. You do not need a password, because SAP GUI calculates the password based on the name of the user (Windows user). As he also mentioned, the important part is that the user names must be identical on both machines. If this is the case, we (SAP GUI Support) should have a look at the issue. I would encourage you to create an incident in that case.

Best regards,
Frank Krause
Product Owner SAP GUI for Windows

Hi, it seems that the problem somehow resolved itself. I tried it again and it had no problem importing, so I presume it is a Windows issue and not a SAP issue. Thanks
Hi, any solution for the password protection issue for the ?

Hi all, I am currently facing the same issue with importing the config file. However for my case, I believe it was due to me importing the config file in a different Windows user account. In this case, is there any resolution to this, or is it just not possible to import the config file in a different Windows user account? Any advice or guidance is truly appreciated here.



Zi Le

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@ZakariaY, I couldn't find the solution to the password protection issue, as my issue resolved itself in the end when I tried to do the import at a later stage after numerous windows updates.
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@ZL1230, unfortunately I wish I could assist you in this matter, but as it was indicated that the Windows user must be the same on the pc you are importing it into, even though I did struggle initially when I tried to do the import on a new pc with the same user.
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@RaynoI see, it's sad to hear that but, appreciate your prompt reply. Thank you!