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Help with Syntax error

Former Member
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Sorry if this first post isn't enough information to go on, I'm a bit out of my element so please forgive my lack of protocol.

I'm trying to research a problem we have run into and as no one here has any sybase knowledge we just are unsure where to turn to in order to find a resolution. So the basic outline is we are trying to use an odbc connection that we setup using the sqlanywhere 16 driver, we can get the data we need via the tables, so the connection works. Now here is where we are lost, there is a need to use a function that is on the server, when we do so we get a syntax error near 'dba' on line 1.
"dba.fn_GetShpLbrCostPart(" & "'" & {company.company_code} & "'" & ", " & ToText({shp_line.pks_num},0,"") & ", " & ToText({shp_line_src.cust_po_line_num},0,"") & ", " & "'L');";

Regrettably we are in a jam over this and just hoping someone out there can throw us a preserver if you will.

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