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Help with signal table: Vendor by two or more payment methods

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Hi, I need some help with a widget I am trying to make in signavio.

I am looking to see vendors with two or more payment methods.

That is, as I show in the following case:

I would like to only see those cases that have two payment methods like the first three, while the fourth case, I would like it not to appear.

If you have any idea how to solve it, it would be of great help.

Thank you!

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Hi Santiago, please let me know if the following code works. I've now filtered for >1 payment type.

"Count Método de Pago",
"Metodo de pago"


SELECT "PO Vendor Name" as "Proveedor" ,COUNT("Payment Method Code REGUH") as "Count Método de Pago" , case when "Payment Method Code REGUH" = 'T' then 'T - Transferencia Bancaria' when "Payment Method Code REGUH" = 'Z' then 'Z - Vale Vista (Pago)' when "Payment Method Code REGUH" = 'C' then 'C - Cheques (Emitidos)' END as "Metodo de pago" FROM THIS_PROCESS) as sub
WHERE "Count Método de Pago" > 1 ORDER BY 2 DESC
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Hello, unfortunately the solution did not work for us. The payment methods are always more than one, so it will always be greater than one the result of >.

For example for a vendor, you can have 5000 T and 200 C, so it will be > to 1.

I was thinking of maybe finding a way where we can find that if the vendor has at least 1 T and 1 C, then it recognizes that that user has more than 1 payment method. But we haven't found a way to do that yet.