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header Mapping

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I have one question,

what is header mapping, when and why we use this in ID.

When we are doing IDOC mapping usually we don't do the mappe EDI_DC40 segment why? and when we map this segment?


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hi kum

Try to close the thread if you get suitable answers....hope you got it..



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This Header mapping absolutely based on Receiver Agreement in ID.

For Internal purpose, we can able to change the Sender / Receiver Party and Service.


Only receiver IDOC, RNIF and CIDX adapters are support by Header mapping in runtime.



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Header Mapping

The header mapping is made available in the receiver agreement. It is required in the IDoc adapter, for example, because the IDoc adapter does not know any communication parties

After header mapping, the adapter must also convert the address to an external protocol.

The following fields can be specified and replaced for outbound processing

· Sender party

· Sender service

· Receiver party

· Receiver service


Aashish Sinha

PS : reward points if helpful

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what is header mapping, when and why we use this in ID

The header mapping is made available in the receiver agreement. It is required in the IDoc adapter, for example, because the IDoc adapter does not know any communication parties.

After header mapping, the adapter must also convert the address to an external protocol

When we are doing IDOC mapping usually we don't do the mappe EDI_DC40 segment why? and when we map this segment?

If you dont map EDI_DC40 IDOC adapter itself takes care of filling control records automatically

XI: IDOC Adapter - EDI_DC40 - demystified


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Hi Kums,

Header Mapping is used if you wants to overrite the Sender and Receiver at runtime.

We don't to map control record for Idoc, because Receiver Communication channel takes care of that.



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Based on the header if the receiver side node should come, if we have this type of requirement then we should map the Header .

EDI_DC40 is the control record data means it asks the creation of IDoc date and time, it should be mandatory fields.

When the TARGET side any node occurance is 1:1 then no need to map, if it is 0:<1/unbpund> then only we should map.

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If you dont map EDI_DC, IDoc adapter fills the necessary values...

If you want to set some values manually, set those values in this case you need to map EDI_Dc

For detail


Former Member
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Header mappings are mainly used in Idoc Interfaces...

Go through this blogs these are help ful to you..





we don't map control record segment becoz it is taken care by the xi itself if u disable the check box APPLY CONTROL RECORD FROM PAYLOAD

