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General question regarding development approach

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I am completely confused.

When we worked with the preview version everyone had their own development j2ee engine installed on their local workstation.

We used the local machines as test sever and deployed finally on a remote integration or production j2ee engine.

That was fine.

Now, we got the GA version. Finally.

That was installed on a server machine that should become the production server.

I tried to connect via VisualAdministrator and SDM to the new j2ee engine. Version conflicts. Ok, so I was looking around and drove everyone here crazy because I was looking for some installation sources for those administration and deployment tools only. After some time I accepted that you get those only integrated with a full j2ee engine set up.

<b>Here my first question: Why do I have to install a complete engine to do some remote administration ?</b>

Now I got ahead and checked the license in my newly installed GA j2ee engine. 1 month valid. Ooohps. Either I will be very quick in development and finish my 1 year project within 4 weeks or I will get license problems.

So next thing I did was asking our CCC people about licenses. It took some minutes until they understood that I was requiring j2ee server licenses for all us developers. I could hear the pure horror they felt with this thought. Ok, if you develop in Abap you won't run a complete R\3 machine locally. I understand that, but this is Java, I run lots of different application server on my workstation. Without any problems (leave alone the obscene amount of main memory consumption )

<b>Now my second question: Is it really a naive approach to work with local j2ee engines ?</b>

If your answer to question 2 is no, <b>here is question 3: what licenses do we use ?</b>

Since my local instance is not the same as the remote instance. I searched for some properties in the NetWeaver Developer Studio to set the SDM port. I didn't find any. Therefore,

<b>question 4: Where can I set the sdm port in NetWeaver Developer Studio</b>

After 2 days of downloading sources, installing engines, searching, downloading and installing patches I guess I need some input from the experts. Please help.

Best Regards, Astrid

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Former Member
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Hi Astrid,

to question 4:

As far as I know, you can't set the SDM port using the NWDS. For a default installation, the http port number for the SDM is calculated as:

http port: 50000 + instance number * 100 + 18

(although I've read, it is possible to change this value "18" during installation)

In NWDS, you can set the remote J2EE engine where you want to deploy to, going to Window -> Preferences -> J2EE engine, by setting host name and message server (!)port.

You can check the message server port using the Visual Administrator: Dispatcher/Server --> Kernel --> Cluster Manager, property ms.port

Hope, this helps


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> Now my second question: Is it really a naive approach to work with local j2ee engines ?

It's not. It's completely reasonable each developer has his own local engine for development. We use this approach in our company with about 30 developers. But that is with Weblogic Server. What I've seen so far from SAP is: they handle everything a little different

Message was edited by: Jan Sommer

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I would be interested in the answer to question4, too. You usually connect to the J2EE server on port 3601, right? Is that the SDM port?


Former Member
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Hi Arne,

I found out that for my new new GA version which is running as instance 02 the port is 3603 for the Developer Studio connection.

Regards, Astrid

Former Member
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As for remote administration: Did you try the administration webapp? You can deploy it from the examples.