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function exit structure

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Hi Guys,

i had to fetch one value.

i had to write code in a userexit.

But in this exit the particular value not available but is available once the program comes out of that exit.

Do we able to change userexit structure to get that pariticular value in that func exit importing fields?

ur valuable advices are welcome.

Thanks in advance.

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come again with a new post then we will be getting more responses.

Thanks , i will get back to u later

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Hi All,

My requirement is I want to fire an exit to calculate the TTC value with BIC amount and Annual Salary when the user changes or saves ther value.

I have a User Exit "EXIT_SAPFP50M_002 " .

But I am not able to capture the changed value of BIC amount in this Exit as the Exit function Module Interface is not giving that parameter " Q0008-BETRG"

There is one structure cprel-data1, in which the data is displayed in encrypted format. So I am not able to capture that value.

So I don't have any source to capture the changed value into my user Exit.

That screen field is available till the time I call the Exit. But in the exit it is not available.

Can you pl some one help me on this.


Bhavani Somaraju

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yep ravi,

u r right.

but i need that in the specified exit..where i can change

the pricing date.

If i were u,what solution u follow?


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soujash & Ravi,

i am checking in the function exit : <b>exit_saplmeko_002.</b>

i need <b>delivery date</b> which we provide in ME21.

it is not available here.

I need this to change pricing date.

waiting for ur reply

Active Contributor
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Hi raja,

Are you sure you are using the correct Function Exit? Because as far as my knowlege goes, the delivery date field will be in EKET table.

So you have to have a tables/ changing parameter structure in the interface of the function exit which refers to EKET structure.



Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi raja,

In general, The exit function modules will be having nested tables(Table of tables.) So check in the debug mode as Soujash has already mentioned.



Former Member
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NO you can't change the user exit interface(IMPORT/EXPORT PARAMETERS).

If the required parameter is not available in the userexit(just be sure checking the user exit in debug mode and check the field value), then look for other exits where this is available.

It will be good if you can give the user exit name and the parameter you need to access ...