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Frontend for users

0 Kudos

Hello Experts,

I have BI edge trial version. I am not sure what would be the the BI frond end for end user in this package. I have below tools installed on client side. Im not sure what is the Infoview url not not I know its part of the EDGE trial package as I dont see it in "applications" in my CMC.

I dont beleive WEBI rich client is a frondend for users. I need to make a prototype for end users. Can someone provide inputs here.

PS : not have enterprise portal too.



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Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Mihir,

BI launch pad is front-end tool for end users.

0 Kudos

Thanks Ravi,

Is it web based ? What would be the url for it if it web based ? How would I figure that out without taking admistrator help.



Former Member
0 Kudos


Yes it is web based, you can find BI launchpad in start menu -> program files->SAP Business Objects BI platform 4.0 folders. The screen looks like below.

0 Kudos


I cant see it . Not sure how it can be in program files if it just web url ? Do I need to do anything ?



Former Member
0 Kudos


BI launch pad runs in a web browser and is the main interface for working with objects in BI platform.

Your administrator may deploy different types of objects, such as Crystal reports and Web Intelligence

documents, that are created from BI platform plug-in components. You use BI launch pad to view the

objects, organize them, and work with them.


Because the appearance and functionality of BI launch pad can be customized, your user interface

may be different from this documentation. However, you can apply most of the information to your user interface.

To use BI launch pad, one of the following web browsers must be installed on your computer:

• Microsoft Internet Explorer

• Firefox

• Safari (Macintosh)

1. Open a web browser.

2. Type the URL for BI launch pad: http://webserver:portnumber/BOE/BI/

Replace webserver with the name of the web server and portnumber with the port number for

BI platform.

If your system administrator has configured a custom URL for BI launch pad, you may need to ask

your administrator for the name of the web server, the port number, or the URL to enter.


If you have BI platform client tools installed on Windows, you can click Start > Programs > SAP

BusinessObjects BI platform 4.0 > SAP BusinessObjects BI platform > SAP BusinessObjects

BI platform Java BI launch pad.

By default, you do not need to enter a system name. However, some enterprise systems may require it.

3. If prompted, in the System box, type the name of your Central Management Server (CMS).

4. In the User name box and the Password box, type your logon credentials.

By default, you are not asked to choose an authentication type. However, some enterprise systems

may require it.

5. If prompted, in the Authentication list, select an authentication type.

Enterprise authentication is the default authentication method. LDAP, Windows AD, Windows NT,

and other third-party authentication types require a special configuration. If you are unsure of which

authentication type to use, contact your system administrator. For information about authentication

types, see the SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform Administrator Guide.

6. Click Log On.

BI launch opens, and the default Home tab appears.


You can choose any home tab as your default view. If your administrator has configured BI launch

pad to integrate with SAP StreamWork, your default view may be an "SAP StreamWork" tab.

Hope this helps....

Active Contributor
0 Kudos


  To access the admin concole (CMC) - you can use: http://server:8080/CMC or access CMC short cut from Windows desktop if you installed BO front-end or if you are working in the server

  To provide to developers and report users (BI Launch pad) - you can use:http://server:8080/Launchpad / infoviewapp

Also, read my write-ups on BI @

Hope this helps.



0 Kudos

Hello Rama/Ravi/Experts,

Im open the webi document in Launch pad. In reading mode, Im not getting any free characteritics. Con you confirm it is normal.

Again in desgin mode, I get everything like a WEBI rich client. Free char along with all developer right like alignment, margin, etc. I dont want that. In desgin mode user should not be able to change the layout of report. But ofcourse he should be able to use free char , filter, etc.

How can I have limited functionality which I choose while using webi document in launch pad ?