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Flat File Load Problem

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Hi All,

Has anyone come across where flat file uploads cuts out the last 1 or 2 columns from the upload.

This happens in the preview and in the actual load.

The data separators(,) and the Escape sign (") are OK

This are sample lines below:

"60 ","105906 ","A","253215 ","2005052700000000","516007 ",".TonyA ","1.17 ","0.20 ","2005050600000000","7 ","1 "

"102 ","42577 ","A","560194 ","2005070400000000","825293 ","A.HARCOURT ","23.95 ","4.19 ","2005062300000000","8 ","56 "

"149 ","103179 ","A","254010 ","2005020900000000","208864 ","Paul Glew ","2.16 ","0.38 ","2004121300000000","9 ","1 "

It only loads up to the column with 0.20,4.19,0.38 and cuts it out from the date onwards (3 last columns).

Anybody seen this???

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Former Member
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Hi Guys,

I really don't have much of a leeway in manipulating the file for upload. It is generated by a legacy system and the upload will be automated.

However, I am using a subset of the data for testing which I have been changing to troubleshoot the errors. What confuses me in this situation is that I have similar data structures with the same spaces, date formats etc. that is working. To answer your questions:

In the preview the data is displayed OK and first date in the line is displayed without the suffix zeros up to the last 3 columns which is blank completely, the following column shows 4 zeros and the last column is blank as well.

I have tested the data by physically removing the last 3 columns from the file. When I preview that it also gives me zeros in the 2nd last column even though there is no data to be read.

I have also tested it by removing unwanted spaces and it did not make a difference.

I have also tested via a logical path as well as pc file.

I am thinking other ways to test this......any ideas still......


Answers (8)

Answers (8)

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Koffy,

check the settings for:

-Sep for Thousands

-Char used for Dec Point

-Curr Conv for Ext Sys


Former Member
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Yes, It's just a coincidence that it wrapped at that point in the forum. I have already checked that as well.

I am still trying other options. If anything works I will inform you all cos this is really a strange one!!

Former Member
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Hi Koffi,

did you solve this issue eventually.... i'm having the same problem and have tried almost everything!!!

Former Member
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Shooting in Dark -

60 ","105906 ","A","253215 ","2005052700000000","516007 ",".TonyA ","1.17 ","0.20 " -- It loads upto here only & Not This --,"2005050600000000","7 ","1 "

>> Are you sure whole thing is signle line & there is no break after "0.20"

>>try using ; as escape sign

hope it helps



PS- Dinesh please check your gmail & let me know if you could help?

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Koffi,

It should not be a bug I think. You tend to face strange problems with flatfiles. Did you try the preview option in the infopackage. If so, were all the data in the correct columns.

You can remove the " from the file and also the unwanted spaces.



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Dinesh,

I have done that already and it has not made a difference. However the preceding date on the same load comes through OK and I have other structures with the same date format that are OK.

I am suspecting a bug?? What do you think??


Active Contributor
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what is displyed in these colums of your transfer strucute in PRivew.

with regards


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Koffi,

Remove the trailing zeroes from the date field. The date should be 20050506, 20050623, 20041213 in all the 3 rows. Retry the load and let us know.



Former Member
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It has!!

Former Member
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My best guess is that your transfer structure does not have those last 3 columns.