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Fire outbound plug from Component Interface View to another Component?

Former Member
0 Kudos

Dear SDN Fellow,

I have a Comp (said Comp A) use an Comp Interview View of another Component (said Comp B) from another Dev. Comp. (DC). I have a Outbound Plug (said GotoCompB) that navigate to the Default Plug of Comp Interface View( of Comp B). Here , I can successfully navigate to default view of Comp B.

But my requirement is that I need to have a "Back" button to navigate back to Comp A (to the view that I navigate from, without starting a new instance/section. Basically, resume the stage of the view that I navigate from)

To do so, I added a Outbound Plug (said BackToCompAPlugOut) in Comp Interface View (of Comp B), then I link it to the Inbound Bound of Comp A (said FromBackPlugIn).

My question is: How do I trigger the Outbound Plug (BackToCompAPlugOut) in the action (onActionBack)? I understand that I cannot do like:


This doesn;t work for me.

I know that I can implement this using the exitPlug() with the URL of Comp B application. Then, when I click the Back button, I called exitPlug(), and navigate back to the CompA application. But I try to implement it with one application, that is why I try the above solution.

Please advise.


Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hallo Kent,

as long as your Comp A component keeps alive it also keeps it state when leaving it via navigation. By setting its lifecycle property as "manual" you can manage the lifecycly of Comp A on your own. This means the Web Dynpro Java Runtime will not destroy this component instance when leaving it via navigation.

To navigate back you can apply the cross-component navigation technique I described within my tutorial on">cross-component [original link is broken] [original link is broken].

Regards, Bertram

Answers (3)

Answers (3)

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Kent,

Use suspend outbound plug , resume inbound plugs of interface View of CompA


Abhimanyu L

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Kent,

Once u called exit to URL plug in interface view.U can cannot Go Back.

Cos when u call the exit to Url then ur application control will go to



Ramganesan K.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Kent,

If you want to navigate back to 'Comp A' then create a standard outbound plug from your Interface view of second component(Comp B, you'll find the Interface View in the Interface Views). And now on action of your back button fire the plug.


