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Fiori Order from Requisitions: Limitations and Filters

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Are there any restrictions/limitations/filters on the Fiori App, Order from Reqs?  i.e. Are only Standard Reqs and Orders allowed to be processed in this app?  I keep getting the following errors when trying to process Manual Orders/Reqs:

Overall, it's been pretty frustrating trying to find basic knowledge about these Fiori Apps.  I've looked through Notes, the Fiori Apps Library, Discussions, Blogs, and Technical Documentation. 

:  Have you seen this before?


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i solved it the following way:

create an overwrite exit at class CL_SRA013_PO_FROM_PR_DPC


within this exit i made a preselection of the purchase requisitions i want to have:

SELECT banfn FROM eban INTO TABLE lt_banfn WHERE werks IN lt_werkssel AND ekorg IN lt_ekorgsel AND ekgrp IN lt_ekgrpsel and dispo in lt_disposel AND frgrl EQ space     " only released PR

             AND blckd EQ space     " no blocked PR

             AND loekz EQ space " only not deleted items

             AND ebakz EQ space

             AND pstyp NE '9'.

     "vorselektierte Banfen als Filter übergeben

     LOOP AT lt_banfn INTO DATA(ls_banfn).

       ls_selopt-sign = 'I'.

       ls_selopt-low = ls_banfn.

       ls_selopt-option = 'EQ'.

       APPEND ls_selopt TO lt_selopt.


     ls_filter-property = 'PRKEY'.

     ls_filter-select_options = lt_selopt.

     APPEND LINES OF it_filter_select_options TO lt_filter.

APPEND ls_filter TO lt_filter.

and then i called the original method with a different filter:

lo_entity = cl_sra013_po_from_pr_factory=>get_entity( iv_entity_name = iv_entity_name ).


                            EXPORTING iv_entity_name           = iv_entity_name

                                      iv_entity_set_name       = iv_entity_set_name

                                      iv_source_name           = iv_source_name

                                      it_filter_select_options = lt_filter

                                      it_order                 = it_order

                                      is_paging                = is_paging

                                      it_navigation_path       = it_navigation_path

                                      iv_filter_string         = iv_filter_string

                                      iv_search_string         = iv_search_string

                                      it_key_tab               = it_key_tab

                                      io_tech_request_context  = io_tech_request_context

                            IMPORTING er_entityset             = er_entityset

                                      es_response_context      = es_response_context ).

take care:  it_filter_select_options = lt_filter is the important line

i made the general filter defintion at the backend, but you can overwrite the controller at the frontend and define the filters you want there.

hope this helps
