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File content Conversion (FCC) for Complex structure of converting MT100 text file into XML

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Hello Experts,

I want to convert the MT100 payment file received from BCM into a custom structure and send it to a third party. The MT100 file received is in terms of text file and the requirement structure from Bank is XML.

Is there anyway to directly generate a MT100 file directly in XML format? If not, then i have uphill task on my shoulders of converting the below mentioned structure into XML.







P.O.BOX 1111,

City1- 11492

Country 1




Test Vendor

1-44,Test street

SA - 21485






P.O.BOX 8524,

City- 11492

Country 2






Test vendor 2

SA -


The above mentioned txt structure must be converted into the below format of XML -





compcode 100 :20:1234567894 :32A:150805SAR1000, :50:/0107002268360010 ANB P.O.BOX 1111, City1- 11492 Country 1 :52A:compcode :57A:compcode :59:/10700500032323 Test Vendor 1-44,Test street SA - 21485 :70:No.TEST1/5.8.2015






:20:1500000123 :32A:150805SAR3000, :50:/0107002268360010 Bank P.O.BOX 8524, City- 11492 Country 2 :52A:compcode :54A:/0107002268360010 compcode :57A:compcode :59:/10700500032323 Test vendor 2 SA - :70:No.TEST3/5.8.2015




I have also attached the .txt file and .xml file to the note. Please refer to it if needed.

Any help on this will be highly appreciated.



Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

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for this banking integration i think we have the standard SWIFT module and its content from SAP.Does this did not help in your case?

I worked on SAP BCM integration with Banks using SWIFT net and i remember in SAP ECC AL11 BCM module generates FILEACT format payment file and PI picks and split into parameter file and payment file(which is xml).Please find below input file format from SAP BCM and why don't you try to generate payment file in this format


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Hi Pavan,

Thank you for the suggestion on the same. I was actually using SWIFT 622 component provided by SAP. But i do no understand how the text structure gets converted into this Payload and Par File?

Which is the SI which must be used as an outbound interface while receiving the message? And how the data in the text format will get converted into this structure. Does the localejbs/swift/FINConversionToSWIFTModule converts it into desired structure?

If you have any document explaining the use of all these interfaces present in SWIFT 622 standard ESR component, can you please provide it? Also i am on PO 7.4, single stack system hence i will be not able to use the ccBPM provided in this component. I need to re-build using NW BPM, which is additional job.


Nitin Deshpande

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please share your email id i will sent the document which i prepared for my project.You can refer that for better understanding also the screen shot which i show in my previous reply is the file format which suppose to generate by BCM module.I guess you BCM was already enabled on top of ECC.please consult your FICO consultant on the payment file format may be he can help you.


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Hi Pavan,

Please find my email id below -

In the screenshot you provided, i did not understand which structure got converted into which structure.

Yes, BCM is enabled on top of ECC and payment file of format MT100 is getting generated and is being stored in AL11. From there i am picking the file using the normal FTP adapter and in the module parameters i am using localejbs/swift/FileActConversionToSWIFTModule.

And i have used SWIFTMessage_FIN standard SI as my outbound interface. Have i followed the steps correctly till now or is there any mistakes in this?


Nitin Deshpande

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0 Kudos

i just sent you the doc and i am not sure to what extent it will help however give a try.

In the screenshot you provided, i did not understand which structure got converted into which structure.

this was the structure format of payment file which will be generated by SAP BCM into ALL and later PI will pick and converts into par and payment file using FILEACT Conversion modules


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Hello Pavan,

Thanks a lot for the document. Its very good document and it says about the standard interface to be used as outbound interface to convert the MT100 text file into XML.

And that interface is SWIFT_payload_parFile, which consists of two fields in its structure, payload and parFile and both are of type string, which means all the data will be stored in single field of string?

Is this conversion of text to XML done by the module paramter localejbs/swift/FileActConversionToSWIFTModule? I tried used to the same, but i am getting an error as below -

Error: Path to object does not exist. First missing component is [swift], the whole lookup name is [localejbs/swift/FileActConversionToSWIFTModule]

Did you face this error during your development? Have i missed anything in the module name or is there any problem with the format? Can you please help me fix this?


Nitin Deshpande

Former Member
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Hi Pavan I am working on SAP BCM integration with Banks using SWIFT net using the FILEACT format payment file. Our FI consultant can generate the Payload XML file. But the header file information is missing. Can you please suggest what are configuration are required to do in SAP BCM to get the header file information. The below mentioned information is missing: Responder#o=deutdeff,o=swift Service#swift.corp.fa RequestType#pain.001.001.03.swm TransferDescription#3000008112 TransferInfo#SwCompression=None FileDescription#20130328-00012B FileInfo#BINARY AckIndicator#TRUE AckResponder#=o=hoinus33,o=swift AckRequestType#ack.9012.001.001 Housebank#DEUTDEFFXXXX TransactionCounter#00002 We are able to generate the XML file as you mentioned in the screenshot. Can you please let us know what needs to do. Please share me some docs if you have any. My mail Id: Regards, Vishnu

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Hi Vishnu,

I am sorry to say,actually i don't remember how the functional consultants generated the BCM payment file since it's been many years ago and unfortunately i did not get a chance to document the process on generating payment files( however will check my backup ) however my document explains about picking the actual payment file and splitting into par file and payment file from SAP PI point of view and delivering to AUTOCLIENT .I can share the document if you need.Please let me know on this.

Good Luck.



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Hi Pavan,

Thanks for your reply..

Please send me the SAP PI interface configuration document for BCM FileAct Method& sample Payload file with header information to test the interface...

Mail Id:



Former Member
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Hi Pavan,

Could you please send a screenshot or sample of the BCM payment file to my e-mail ID -

I'm ok with the PI configuration; looking to provide the functional consultants a sample of what is expected by SAP-PI.



Answers (1)

Answers (1)

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Hi Nitin,

if i understood is correct, that attached txt file should be convert in xml and send to the third party..

i can suggest you to create mapping which contains source structure only one field to fetch everything data and target structure you can create as you attached.

and mapping would be done based on identifier or length of data or based on something text.

also small doubt, the filed called as SequenceNum carrying something data in both records which is not available in txt file how are getting that ? you can think about that if that may usefule while mapping.

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Hi Mahesh,

Thanks for your reply !!

If i fetch the complete data in single field and then try to convert into my desired XML structure, the mapping will be very complex. I must break the recordset in the text file into different records and put it under payment_transaction node. And how to break it at that particular point?

So i was checking if BCM generates MT100 file directly in XML or is there any other method to make this easy.

About the SequenceNum, it is actually picked up from the source data itself from the tag (:20:).


Nitin Deshpande