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failed Transport

Former Member
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Hi Gurus,

I have collected all the infofobjects in one Transport request.

While importing in the quality system got the error message that some of the infoobjects are not in active version.

Here my question is ,

1. Whther we need to collect the inactive version in seperate Transport request.

2. or we need to activate the infoobjects in development and need to re-transport the same request . If we are doing like this whther that TR can be successfully imported in quality?

Please gguide me ..

Thanks in advance

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Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Gene,

1. Whther we need to collect the inactive version in seperate Transport request.


2. or we need to activate the infoobjects in development and need to re-transport the same request . If we are doing like this whther that TR can be successfully imported in quality?

     For this, we can proceed with any of the below options

     (a) You can re-transport the same TR with "overwrite originals" option(by asking the BASIS team)

     (b) You can activate and collect all the objects again in a new TR and perform a new transport. its better to make sure whether all objects are active before releasing the TR by going to "Requests/Tasks -->Complete Check-->Display Inactive Objects"



Former Member
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Hi All ,

For eg . we have 5 infoobjects and all the infoobjects are collected in TR DEVK9000001 and the request are released to Quality.

Among the 5 infoobjects 2 are successfully moved and 3 are failed " object is not in active version"

So here we can follow 2 steps :

Activated all the 3 infobjects in DEV.

1. We need to add the 3 objects in seperate TR DEVK9000002 and release this TR after that we need to reimport the T DEVK9000001.

2. Once activated all the infobjects , we need to re-transport the TR DEVK9000001 and basis should import that with overwrite mode.

So, this are the possible 2 steps to move the failed infoobjects.

Please correct me whether my understanding is correct.

Thanks in advance!!!!!

Former Member
0 Kudos


1. If the missing infoobject is inactive on Dev. - activate it.

2. Add missing infoobject to separate reqest and transport it to Quality.

3. Re-import request that failed (overwrite mode).



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi All ,

For eg . we have 5 infoobjects and all the infoobjects are collected in TR DEVK9000001 and the request are released to Quality.

Among the 5 infoobjects 2 are successfully moved and 3 are failed " object is not in active version"

So here we can follow 2 steps :

Activated all the 3 infobjects in DEV.

1. We need to add the 3 objects in seperate TR DEVK9000002 and release this TR after that we need to reimport the T DEVK9000001.

2. Once activated all the infobjects , we need to re-transport the TR DEVK9000001 and basis should import that with overwrite mode.

So, this are the possible 2 steps to move the failed infoobjects.

Please correct me whether my understanding is correct.

Thanks in advance!!!!!

Active Contributor
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Activate the remaining 3 infoobjects in QA and reimport TR DEVK9000001.

While reimporting check the below mentioned check boxes

Basis Team involvement is not required unless you have authorization issue



Former Member
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If you do it that way both requests will be successfully transported.

But, as Senthil  wrote, you should be aware if infoobjects heve been changed since reqest were released. If they were changed, collect all objects again and transport them.Then don't transport filed request again.



Former Member
0 Kudos


We cannot transport inactive objects. To transport any object we need to activate them first in DEV environment.

In your case, its better to re-import the transport after activating the objects in DEV. It will get sucessful.

If the issue still persists, please revert back.



Former Member
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1. Whther we need to collect the inactive version in seperate Transport request.

- NO, because you can't TP the inactive version of Infoobject or any other object for which you create transport request

2. or we need to activate the infoobjects in development and need to re-transport the same request . If we are doing like this whther that TR can be successfully imported in quality?

- Yes you need to activate the Infoobject in development.

- You can re-transport the same request , but make sure and let the basis team while transporting the request in "overwrite mode" ( which you can find in the option : Tcode - STMS).

- But you can also create separate request, as you state that you have got the error for inactive infoobject, assuming that you have some infoobject transported successfully which were active in version. So, exclude the infoobject which were transported successfully & collect only the infoobject which were activated and transport it to QA.

So re-transporting the same transport request will overwrite the infoobject which were transported successfully in QA, where the risk can be occur.

Active Contributor
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When you are transporting any objects we make sure that all dependent objects are active version in Dev. if you feel that there are there are so many objects then try to segregate them an dtransport it to qa.

Now you can check quality system or transport log and try check those obejcts in Dev if they are inactive then activate them and transport that new req and re transport the old one.


Active Contributor
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Before transporting, the objects should be in active version in Dev system. Check if they are active in Dev.

You can include the objects in TR only if they are active in Dev,

Sometimes it happens that even the objects are active in Dev system, after importing, they will become inactive in Qualilty system. So, activate the objects in Quality and re-import.

