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Failed to load database information

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I'm using VS2019 with Crystal Reports 13 SP34. In development mode, everything works, but when I publish the application using ClickOnce on the end user's computer, even installing the frameworks and distribution "SAP Crystal Reports runtime engine for .NET Framework (32-bit) -", it shows an error when running reports, as follows: "Error in temp_xxxxxxxxxxxxx.rpt file: Failed to load database information.". Detail: using VS2017 with Crystal version 13.0.21 everything was working correctly. The error started to appear after upgrading versions. Could you help me on how to solve this problem?
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Good catch on the runtime installer difference.

Check the Platform Database clients support in CR 2020 from here:

Look for the Database info, it then downloads an Excel file with the supported Clients.

Is this a Desktop or WEB App?

CR runtime is set for your Application Platform and not the OS.

ClickOnce installs both x86 and x64, so if you have your Project set to AnyCPU it's likely trying to run in 64 bit mode which the App.Config or Web.Config file may be redirecting to the wrong location.

And see my Blog on upgrading your Project, a recompile is required. Make sure Copy Local is set to False, mixing versions in your \bin folder will cause problems.

There is one update issue, ADO.NET (XML) database dll was reversioned form 14 to 13, that required a repair install. So if your customers are using an older version there is no way around this other than a repair or clean install.

See the WIKI for Fixed Issues, I believe the dll version change was around SP 26, so if you old runtime version is a previous version that could explain why you need to do a repair install with the MSI.

You should be setting your installer to uninstall first and then install SP 34, good practice...