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Export to Excel SAC Application Designer function

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Hi Experts,

I am building an SAC-Application with Application Designer in SAC, however I do not see a possible script I can use to export the content of a table in excel.

So I have added a button and a table and in the script of the Button, I wanted to write-> Table_1.(expecting the export_to_excel-Method). However, this is not available.

I know that this can be done in the Table-Functions->Export, however I need it as a Button to be done.

Do you have any other suggestion how to add a Button in the story that when the user Clicks, a window is shown where he can export the data as Excel in a directory? Also do you know if there is a page from SAP with the expected features to come in future in SAC?



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hi, i created an image and i want to add the export report functionality but it's missing from my availble functions