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Export the BW certificate in SAP BW

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I have set up SSO

i am trying to export the BW certificate

1. Start transaction STRUSTSSO2

2.Choose certificate CN = P12 the Menu, choose Certificate -> Export I am getting Waring message "Certificate no longer has signature"(use restriction).

4.Enter the file Path C://usr/sap/j2e/bw_certificate.crt


while importing the BW Certificate

Follow these steps to import the BW certificate into the J2EE engine:

1. Start the SAP J2EE Engine Administrator with %INSTALLATION_ROOT%\admin\go.

2. Connect to the portal server.

3. In the tree, choose <SID>/Server<…>/Services/Key Storage.

4. Select the view TicketKeystore under Views.

5. Under Entry, click Load.

6. Open the file <BW_SID>_certificate.crt.

it trows error Certificate: ID21113: Certificate Signature algorithm mismatch

what mey be the reason, any suggestions

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I solve the exactly same problem by deleting, and regenerating own certificate in STRUSTSSO2.

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These gentlemen are correct.

Export out of J2EE and import into BW using STRUSTSSO2.

Thanks for the media link Piyush. It is helpful for other users.


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Why BW Certificate ?

You need J2EE Engine certificate to be imported to BW.

Check this demo for detailed steps



ps: please award points for useful answers.

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Hi Piyush,

I am integrating BW with EP in other words displaying

1) BEx Web Application As iView

2)BEx Web Application As a Online Link in KM

3)BW Query As IView

4) BW Query As Document etc..

I have configured SSO

rrmx T-Code and try to create a Query it throws Active X control error what may be the reason.

in portal i have assigned a user with super_admin_role and role but i am not getting the BW system alias what may b the reason

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Hi Murali,

For the rrmx you are trying to bring the workbook into an iview in the portal.

For that you should not use rrmx but instaed you shoulkd use rrmxp transaction code. in the application parameters of the sap transaction iview you must specify the workbook id from the BEX analyser.

then try testing the iview for the workbook.

One more important as rrmx is a R/3 transaction you must create a BW system with port 32## as the WAS property does not matter in this case.

for BEx WEb application as iview you just need WAS property set in the iview connector setting.

for BW Query as a document you must maitain a table in

BW RSPOR_T_****sorry i forgot the name of the table. you must maitain the portal systems connected to your bw system here and specify the defalut portal.

And also thr RFC detination from you EP to BW which is the most important thing should be maintained.

Hope you find these info useful..



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hi Ramesh,

1)how to get WBKID's ?

2) rrmx T-Code it opens BEx but if try to open Queries an error gets populaed Missing ActiveX Component ?

there are some 13 steps as prerequisite ie maintaining JCO destination, establishing SSO etc, which includes few setttings in SM59,SM30,RZ10 i have done all these

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Execute a Work book. right click in result area

properties--->Information Tab. Here You will find Query and Workbook Id.

The rrmx t-code will not work. when you call from iview as only the gui is connected to the Mx excel not EP.

you have to use rrmxp from having workbooks as iview.



Ps. provide good points for helpful answers.

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i can open rmxp f i give WBID it will open an Excel sheet, even i can open BEx Designer and if try to publish workbooh as in EP6.0 iview i am getting a popup with error indicating badindex what may b he reason,

any experience in integrating BW workbooks in to Portal?


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Hi Murali,

You must maintain a table RAPOR_T_PORTAL IN SM30 in BW for the portal connecting to the BW. then the bad index error would not occur.



Pls reward usefull answers with good points.

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the table name is rspor_t_portal sorry for mispelling.



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Has the certificates validity expired?


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Hi Murali

it's ur requirement that u need to Export the certificate

and import it into J2EE server,

if u want implement SSO over EP and BW than import the portal certificate into BW system.

