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I am looking to use the exit EXIT_SAPLEINS_001 in BI for an enhancement of 2lIS_02_SCL (EKET-WAMNG). My questions are:

1. Is this exit specific for BI enhancements or also for SAP/other enhancements?

2. In order to use this exit do I need to carry out some activation or steps otherwise. Have written the logic in the exit but it is not called (have checked in RSA3 Debug)


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this exit is used to populate the delta queue when a PO is created/saved/changed.

It is not called when you extract your delta.

Nevertheless you can test your development by populating the setup tables, tran OLI3BW. Once populated you'll be able to see your data in RSA3 (full load).

hope this helps...


Former Member
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Hi Olivier,

Thanks for that. Not clear. Does that mean the exit is also used for R3 enhancements. In full we can see the value but cannot pick up the value for EKET-WAMNG with delta extracts is this expected? If so why?

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What do you mean by R/3 enhancement exactly?

- if you wouldn't have the BW plug-in, you wouldn't have this exit thus NO, it is not an R/3 ehnancement.

- however since this exit is executed in the R/3 system then YES, it is an R/3 enhancement somehow but for BW only.

2LIS_02_x are LO/LIS datasources: the mechanism is working with the TRFC queue. Once you have initialized your delta, any changes relevant to application 02 will be posted in the TRFC queue. Your code will be executed at this moment.

The update job will pass this data to your delta queue making it ready for the extraction from BW.

What do you mean exactly by <b><u><i>In full we can see the value but cannot pick up the value for EKET-WAMNG with delta extracts is this expected?</i></u></b>

I understand that you see the value in the the table but your delta extract doesn't pick it up, correct?

If your PO has been written to the delta queue BEFORE your exit was active, the field will not be populated. The delta load won't read EKET again, the extractor will read the delta queue.

Try to modify your PO again (when saving the PO the field should be populated and passed to the TRFC queue by your exit), run an update job and extract the data again; if the field is still not filled then your exit doesn't work.

Can't you try in DEV to populate the SETUP tables for a PO with your field populated? Then RSA3/full should show you the data.

hoping this will clear your doubts
