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Exception on characterstic

Active Contributor

Hi Gurus,

I have one requirement please help me on that.

I have a material order no. and differnt characterstics like this in my report .I have one indicator column which have different values.

Now i want that if the indicator is E against any material that material should be in red colour.

If this is not possible then some text against that particular material.I mean we can add one more column which will display text based on the indicators.

Hope my requirement is clear to all of you.

Thanks in advance.



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Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi AL,

You can create an Exception but you would need to have a KF on which the Alert Level (say, Bad1) could be defined. Is there a KF which can also support the Indicator Char when E? Or if the Indicator Char has numbers as part of the Code, say, E001 etc., you could create a Formula Var using Replacement Path to return 1 & use it in a CKF as the evaluated element to color the Rows containing E. But issue here is you cannot have the KF hidden else the Exception won't work.

If you are good with JavaScript, you can also use WAD to format cells as per your requirement, below is a helpful blog;



Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Priya,

Thanks for youe response.

I will tell you what all fields i have...I have one indicator fileld which only has char values like E,P,O

Now i want to color the cells which has value E,indeed its a characterstic.

I made another indicator which is a keyfigure like if value is Ethen 0 else 1 so .Based on this i am making my exception but i am unable to color that chararcterstic..

Regarding WAD i have a question do we need to java stack to turn it up coz here when i create a template and after saving it when i try to execute it fails and give some error message..I contacted basis team and they are still not sure whether its java stack problem or some other problem.

Please throw some light on both the issues.



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi AL,

1. First you would need to define the Alert Level (say Bad1) on a Value say =1. Next specify the Structure Element, the CKF in your case, the Exception is to be evaluated on. Next specify that the Exception affects Rows. it shd work.

2. Yes, you would need a Java stack to work with WAD.


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Priya,

I tried lot of things but its not giving me the desired result....

Can i ask you to explain it in detailed way with all the steps.

Again I wll tell the fields.'

One charcterstic field indicator--which has values E-P---O

Now i want if the value is E then it should become red...I am able to get the color on all the corresponding keyfigures against E value row wise except that cell..



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi AL,

If the KF is being colored, just check the Display Tab of Exception screen -> Characteristic Cells -> Exception affects Characteristic Cells -> select Rows and Columns


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Priya,

I have selected that,its not working out.I was just trying to find out of the way that we can color the characterstic but as of now it seems a limitation to me.

I am able to higlight every keyfigure against that Indicator and convinced the client on the same.



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