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I played with several functions in the VC. Now I have question? Is there any other kind of eventing than the submit button. The idea was to create iviews for ESS and MSS. And I would like to avoid that a user must click first on a submit button to have the result. Usually the user clicks on a page with an iview to receive direct the result.

Is there any way to do it.

best regards Hans Georg

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You can add a start point object to your model which stands for initialization values so that the iView is loaded with data.

If you need to create an iView that interacts with other already available iViews that expose client side eventing (known in the Portal as EPCF) this can be achieved using out-ports (for outgoing events) and in-ports (incoming events). Best here is to see the manuall for a short explanation and example of this feature.



Former Member
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Hi Yaniv,

As fare as I understand is a function triggering automatically if you issued for all input variables with a value. Right ?


Hans Georg

Former Member
0 Kudos


Yes it does. But the values are transferred to the function only with a certain event being fired (for example submit). So the sequence is really: fire event -> copy values to the input port -> execute function.



Former Member
0 Kudos


and this exactly me question. Is there any other event beside the submit button. e.g. User is opening the view and gots the results direct without pressing any buttons.

best regards Hans Georg

Former Member
0 Kudos


For the iView to load with data already in it you need to provide with initialization data to the function hence - use a start point object.

Other events can be defined but they all require user interaction - pressing a button to fire the event on the form toolbar for example.

Best regards,


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Yaniv,

perfect it works. I just use the start point.

Many Thanks

Hans Georg

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