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Errors with Rails 3.0.10 & Ruby 1.9.2

Former Member


I'm currently using the Ruby SQLA connectors ( with Rail 3.0.7 & Ruby 1.9.2 without any problems. After upgrading to Rails 3.0.10 I'm getting the following error:

ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid (ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::SQLAnywhereException: Syntax error near '<' on line 1: SELECT TOP #<arel::nodes::limit:0xbdd77cc> "sessions".* FROM "sessions" WHERE "sessions"."session_id" = '297bc97413b5d1da5c765f8b98f2c06b'):

Has anyone else struck this problem, any ideas on what the cause could be?



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Former Member


Just giving you the heads up that I have created a fork that fixes the issues with calling .find, .first and .last, here:

I'm looking into fixing the 3.1 compatibility issues as we speak.

Former Member

I have found a small problem in Sharagoz's fork when used with the latest active_scaffold. It was easily fixed thanks to the work of Sharagoz. I have created a fork here:

Thanks for your efforts Sharagoz.

I am using this version with Rails 3.1 and the Sybase 12 client on Ubuntu 10.04 x86_64 without issues so far.