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Error when deploying PDK 6.0 !?

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Portal experts ,

I have installed Full Java NWDS Sneak Preview SP15.

I am trying to import latest PDK 6.0 package into WebAS using SDM. It is the file downloaded from SDN. At some point after few sec of deployment process (at 17% ) I received the following error :

..... (message ID:

Deployment of EducationDataModelEar finished with Error (Duration 28031 ms).......

I restarted Deployments few times but it kept stopping at 17% and same error - over and over..

I’ve checked with the Visual Admin Tool - the JDBC driver is registered for requested in the import instructions. I’m out of ideas!?

The procedure I am using is exactly the same as the one in this blog:

Do you have any ideas why is happening and how I could make the deployment successful ?I Appreciate any help or idea ..!!



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Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi to all that read my topic,

Just in case some of you have the same problem I have consulted with an expert . The problem is that the application alias EDMFoundationWS/default is alredy in use, and I can't deploy a second application with the same alias. We have 2 options to solve the problem:

1. 1. Change the application alias of the "" application and deploy it. To change the alias, you should edit the <context-root> tag of the application.xml descriptor of the application.

2. Undeploy the other application ( that uses the same application alias. However, first check that removing it would not affect other applications, etc.

I am going to try option 2. and will post the result after carefully apply it . If any of you have already results or comments please let me know.

Regards ,


Former Member
0 Kudos

In regards to the problem that I posted above

I am copying part of the .log file from the deployment if this can be of some value to someone :

6/02/25 05:32:25 - ***********************************************************

06/02/25 05:32:26 - Start updating EAR file...

06/02/25 05:32:26 - start-up mode is lazy

06/02/25 05:32:27 - EAR file updated successfully for 985ms.

06/02/25 05:32:27 - Start deploying ...

06/02/25 05:32:28 - EAR file uploaded to server for 562ms.

06/02/25 05:32:59 - ERROR: Not deployed. Deploy Service returned ERROR:

java.rmi.RemoteException: Cannot deploy application

Reason: Application alias [EDMFoundationWS/default] for application [] already exists in the HTTP Provider Service. The application that holds this alias is [].; nested exception is: <--Localization failed: ResourceBundle='', ID=' Application alias [EDMFoundationWS/default] for application [] already exists in the HTTP Provider Service. The application that holds this alias is [].


at ......

Thanks to all that try to help me!

