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Error when deploying Fiori app from VS code -Unexpected token '<', "<!DOCTYPE "... is not valid JSO

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Hi Experts,

I am trying to deploy SAP UI5 Fiori application from VS code to ABAP on-premise system. I installed all the extensions needed in VS code to create a Fiori application and was able to preview the application in the local host. When it comes to deployment to the backend system, I get the below error when running the command 'npm run deploy' and deployment fails.  

error abap-deploy-task ZDFGT Deployment has failed.
error abap-deploy-task ZDFGT Change logging level to debug your issue
error abap-deploy-task ZDFGT (see examples
error builder:custom deploy-to-abap Unexpected token '<', "<!DOCTYPE "... is not valid JSON
Command deploy failed with error : Unexpected token '<', "<!DOCTYPE "... is not valid JSON

Any suggestions to resolve this error please?

Thank you for your help in advance!

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Active Contributor
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your server is too old, probably not supported by fiori tool regarding deployment

use that node js module to do the deployment

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There was some issue with my server. Basis corrected it and this error is gone. Still working on the other errors during deployment. Thank you for your answer! Appreciate it!