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Error in starting a workflow with a z event.

Former Member
0 Kudos

I have implemented an event in an object which gets generated through PA30. But when the event gets generated the workflow does not get triggerred and instead an error msg comes in event trace ie.

"Event EMPLOYEEI CHANGED for task WS90000048 not defined as start/end event"

And the linkage gets deactivated.

Can you please suggest what is the problem and the solution too.

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Answers (4)

Former Member
0 Kudos

I would like to add to Martin's advise by providing the tcode SWETYPV for the event linkage and activating it by checking the corresponding flag, it may have been turned off by errors.

Good Luck


Former Member
0 Kudos

Try making some checks :

Go to SWUD and - Task type : WS - Task:<your WF> and execute the step "Problem: Task not started". Here you'll find the declaration of the triggering event. Then execute the "Consistency check for tasks". If everything is green, it means we're on the right way.



Former Member
0 Kudos

Ye you can take Martin's suggestion y schecking that Tcode. I will also ask you to check your linkage in SWE2. Also check the start Condition of the Workflow if there is anything relevant.



Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Sounds like you didn't do the event linkage in the workflow but only in SWEHR3. Otherwise I think you need to give more info on the setup.

