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Error in phase DETERMINE_APPLICATION (upgrade to Solman 7.1)

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I'm upgrade Solution Manager 7.0 EHP1 to Solman 7.1

In phase DETERMINE_APPLICATION i get error, but i'm not understand what's a problem.

Help me pls.


Apr 4, 2012 12:41:43 AM [Error]:         [Thread[main,5,main]]: Exception has occurred during the execution of the phase.

Apr 4, 2012 12:41:43 AM [Error]: [Thread[main,5,main]]: SAP SOLMAN product is found as active in the Usage Type Library but not in the upgrade configuration. Possible reason might be that key software components, which are used for detecting the SAP SOLMAN product, have been undeployed from the system.

Full log i'm attach.

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

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Hello, everybody.

SAP answer on my OSS and send me file SourceProductDefinition.xml (i'm attach it to this reply).

Follow instructon and phase finishing successfull. Good Luck.


Please take a backup of the file initially.

Please find the file  SourceProductDefinition.xml attached to the

message and replace the original ones at:

<SOLMAN Upgrade dir>\java\config


<SOLMAN Upgrade dir>\java\patch\DATA_UNITS\UM_JAVA_CONTROL_700\config


2. Restart SolMan upgrade tool afterwards and repeat the failing step.

WBR, Igor.

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This solution worked for me.   Going from Solman 701 to 71

Likewise, SAP has been somewhat slow in getting back to my message - too new I suppose.

The error log Igor posted on first message compared 100% identical with my log file - except of course the time stamp, SID, Instance, and the like.

Answers (3)

Answers (3)

0 Kudos

Hi Everyone,

I've just restarted my Upgrade to SOLMAN 7.1 using a very old version of SOLMANUP

dd November 2011 that I found on a server where we already did an upgrade end of last


I DID NOT GET THE ERROR AGAIN and now already started ABAP CHECKS.

PS: So far I did not get a reply from SAP -- there is still no new SOLMANUP available.

Kind Regards,

Carsten Loeffler

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Hi Igor,

We are facing similar error in our upgrade from SOLMAN 7.0 EHP1 to SOLMAN 7.1 SPS3, We had performed the upgrade on our Quality environment 2 weeks back with SOLMANUP 1.0 Patch 30 tool. We dint have this error back then,

While upgrading with SOLMANUP 1.0 Patch 37 tool in our production we are facing the error you are facing. Could you please confirm the SOLMANUP patch level you are using. We see a Patch 38 released by SAP yesterday not sure if that would resolve the error.

Also we have a OSS message raised with SAP , will let you know if we get any update from SAP.



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Yes, i'm still problem. And yes, i have SOLMANUP 1.0 Patch 37.

I see what SAP released new version SOLMAUP. Now I download it and try restart upgrade.

I will update this later.


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Hi Anish

Please let us know what you find out from SAP or otherwise. We are looking as well and we also have SOLMANUP 1.0 Patch 37.

We will look around and if nothing may have to open a message to SAP for this...


sap ques

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello everybody again.

I'm try upgrade with SOLMANUP 1.0 patch 38, but this error is still present

My OSS message to SAP in status "Sent to SAP".

I will let you know if I get any update from SAP.

And I hope you let me know if you get any information.



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Hi Igor,

We got the following reply from SAP and a new XML attachment .

I have confirmed that this is a bug and it is already escalated

internally. There will be a permanent fix available on SMP soon. In the

meantime, if you need to get past this problem, please perform the

following steps:

1. Rename the attached SourceProductDefinition_modified.xml

file to SourceProductDefinition.xml and replace the original ones at:

<SOLMAN Upgrade dir>\java\config


<SOLMAN Upgrade dir>\java\patch\DATA_UNITS\UM_JAVA_CONTROL_700\config


2. Restart SolMan upgrade tool afterwards and repeat the failing step

This should allow you to get past the phase.

if anyone can tell me how to attach the new xml i got from SAP here , i can do so, else Let me know ur email ID i can send it across in a mail

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Hello, Anish.

This is a good news.For attach xml you can use button "Advanced editor" on top-right then you reply message.

Or please send me e-mail to:



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Hi Igor,

Please find here the attached modified Source Product Definition xml



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Anish, thanks.

I replace this xml and stop upgrade, then start upgrade. Now i get next errors:

An error has occurred during the execution of the DETERMINE_APPLICATION phase.


Error while detecting source products. See stack trace for details. Could not load components from file C:/usr/sap/SLM/SOLMANUP/java/config/SourceProductDefinition.xml. Error while parsing usage definition file C:/usr/sap/SLM/SOLMANUP/java/config/SourceProductDefinition.xml. Error while parsing usage definition file C:/usr/sap/SLM/SOLMANUP/java/config/SourceProductDefinition.xml. Cannot initialize variable handler using file C:/usr/sap/SLM/SOLMANUP/java/config/SourceProductDefinition.xml. Could not create variable handler SourceProductDefinition. Could not load namespace SourceProductDefinition from file C:\usr\sap\SLM\SOLMANUP\java\config\.\SourceProductDefinition.xml. org.xml.sax.SAXException has occurred: Content is not allowed in trailing section. org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Content is not allowed in trailing section.

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Hmm... You are on Windows server , i was on HPUX , maybe thats why . Did SAP respond to ur message?

Else you can use the patch version 30 of SOLMANUP

In this case :

Please reset the complete upgrade(follow the steps from the Upgrade guide) and extract the SOLMANUP version 30 and start upgrade from the beginning .

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Yes, maybe.

last message from SAP on my OSS is:

"Hi Igor,

This issue looks like a bug on which development support is

currently working. It has to be addressed by my development support

collegues. I have already notified them about this . I am waiting

for there response. I request you to wait for my reply. I will reply

soon as soon as I get an update from them."

Where i can get SOLMANUP version 30 ? On SAP portal only last version.

Now it's version 39 (released today). But I no sure it help me or not For use this version i must reset upgrade and start it from begining


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True , i am also not able to find an older version of the SOLMANUP not even in the archives. I do have one but that would be of no use to you as its a HPUX IA 64 version.

I guess the only option left is to wait for SAP to send you a new XML .

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Hi Anish

Thank you for psoting the reply from SAP and sharing it.

But my question is if this XML file is platform specific?

We are on DB2/400 on system i and not sure if I should use this...???

Do you know.

Thanks again

sap ques

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Hello Not Active ContributorIgor Tolkachev/All,

Even I am getting this error. After replacing SourceProductDefinition.xml file on the mentioned locations, I am getting the same error which you have pasted in this thread.i.e.

Error while detecting source products. See stack trace for details. Could not load components from file

We are using HP-UX and upgrading from 7.0 Ehp1 SP24 to 7.1 SP4.

Appreciate if you can let us know on how did you resolve this error. Thanks in advance.



Not Active Contributor

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Hi Igor

Did you find any solution for this error?

I have the same exact error while upgrading to solman 7.1 from Solman 7.0 EHP1.

I am still looking and if I find something, I will update it here.


sap ques..