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ERROR => 'Get database status' failed: Database not found

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0 Kudos

Hi All,

I keep getting error messages thrown up in the logs of the saphostagent in the sapstartsrv.log file.

[Thr 1195] Wed Feb 22 13:33:57 2017
[Thr 1195] *** ERROR => Operation::ExecuteNextCommand(): Command GetDatabaseStatus terminated with errorcode 9 [Operation.cp 349]
[Thr 1195] *** ERROR => Operation [id=0017A47704141ED6BEA071CCE1C25B00]: Command execution failed [Operation.cp 450]
[Thr 1195] *** ERROR => Webmethod GetDatabaseStatus failed: Database not found [saphostcontr 1768]

Happens every few minutes and hogs CPU whilst doing it.

I have also seen this in the dev_sapdbctrl file

Wed Feb 22 13:36:57 2017
[PID 26978] *** ERROR => Unknown OS user 'orasmt' [dboractrlux.cpp 1949]
[PID 26978] *** ERROR => Database not found [dboractrlux.cpp 1132]
[PID 26978] *** ERROR => 'Get database status' failed: Database not found [sapdbctrl.cp 3682]

I don't know where it's getting this information from as that user doesn't even exist on this server. Does exist however on the Solman Server.

When I run

/usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/saphostctrl -function ListDatabases

It shows me the correct databases on this server. So I have no idea why it's happening.

Any ideas? I've already checked but this doesn't list anything like this.

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Hi, I am having the same issue. I'd be curious to know if you found a solution for this.