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EPM Add-in. How to add members in RowAxisMembers by API

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Hi, experts.

There is array with members, which are need to add into row axis (two dimensions in axis).

I was tried add members in VBA cycle by FPMXLClient.EPMAddInAutomation and AddMemberToRowAxis, but if count of members is big (near 1000) the VBA-procedure is not responding.

Is anybody knows another way to create custom row axis or launch guided member recognition by API?

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Active Contributor

In general you want to have report with many-to-many relationship between dimension1 and dimension2!

Please read my blog how to achieve it without VBA:

0 Kudos

It`s interesting way. I'm not sure that this fully solves my problem, but thank you very much for good idea.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

"I'm not sure that this fully solves my problem" - why not?

In the matrix you can establish all possible relations!

If you already have property filled you can use script to fill the matrix automatically!