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Entity Framework provider fails completely when one table fails

Former Member

I'm using EF 5 with Visual Studio 2012 and SQLAnywhere 16. I'm Trying to create an .edmx file with a user that does not have DBA permission.

When I try to generate the file from the database I get an error stating that the user does not have permission to select from the sysusersperm table. This error halts the entire generation process and does not let me choose from those tables that the users has select permission.

The Sybase support site states that DBA permission is needed to be able to select from that table.

Considering that it should be logical to include in the .edmx files only those entities needed, here are my questions?

How can I generate an .edmx file with a user that does not have DBA permission? If it can't be done... are there any plans to fix this all-or-nothing behavior?

Thanks in advance

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What type of user is it - and is it based on the new roles model in SQL Anywhere 16? How was the user created, and with which permissions?


"Each row of the SYSUSERPERM view describes one user ID. You must have the SELECT ANY TABLE system privilege to view data in this view."

The Sybase support site

See: for the up-to-date SQL Anywhere documentation.