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DTP in BI7.0

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What is the difference between the infopackage in transformation and the infopackage in the DTP?

My understanding is that we only need to load to PSA using the transformation and then using DTP we need to load into the datatarget, but in the infopackage in the transformation we have the option to select the infocube as the datatarget also. What would happen if load into the infocube directly using the transformation.

Please clear my confusion.


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Former Member
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Date from source to PSA -> Infopackage

Data from PSA to Datatarget -> DTP

Infopackage if needed can be used instead of DTP.

DTP cannot pull data from source. It can pull only from PSA or any datamart.

Hope it helps,



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Do you mean to say that DTP is optional?

What would be the disadvantage of not using the DTP.


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Yes. DTP is optional. You can use the same 3.X feature if needed.

Advantages of DTP

Advantages - DTP & Transformations

1. The system allows selective delta extraction from DataStore objects.

2. Delta download for several targets is controlled separately. This means that you can download for several targets with no time constraints.

3. The system allows complete extraction from the change log.

4. You can improve system performance using configurable background processes.

5. The quantity of InfoObjects selected from the InfoProvider corresponds to the quantity used in the transformation. In Release 3.x, you had to restrict the field list manually and repeat this change after making a transport to a target system. Performance problems often occurred when doing this because the extraction structure was too wide.

6. Error stack

7. No init needed

8. Datamart concept



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Yes DTP is optional only, but SAP always recomends to have DTP once after loading into PSA. Once after loading the data into PSA you need to execute the DTP to load the data from PSA to Infocube, even there also you can have some filters, semantic group option and also you can use a routine to filter the values..

By the there is no difference between Infopackage in 3.x and BI 7. ONly thing is Infopackage is used to trigger the dataloads..

Hope it helps



Answers (2)

Answers (2)

Former Member
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In Bi7 you can load data upto PSA only by Scheduling.

DTP is used to execute data into Data Targets.

So you have to follow these steps.

The load can't be laoded directly as happens in 3.5, you have to run DTP's.



Former Member
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Infopackage is used in BI 7.0 only to extract data till the PSA from the source systems. Once the data is in BW, loading to all associated data targets are done by means of DTP. DTP has inproved error handling functionalities over an infopackage. Transformations have come in place of the old Update rules and Transefr rules.

Hope this solves ur query.

