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DSO activation failed

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DSO activation is getting failed with error message as below:

Even there is no error records then also the activation got failed and also we have tried to repair in RSRV .

If we manually  run the DTP to DSO and activation then its working fine.

Daily the PC is getting failed at DSO activation step and if we delete request from DSO and reloading the DTP then activation gets successfully completes

Could you please help us to make it permanent fix.

Many Thanks.

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Former Member
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Hi Pavan,

Can you check the DSO activation logs in SM37 when the process chain has completed/got failed at the DSO activation step. I think it might be getting cancelled here due to some reason.

You need to have a look at the job log to decide further actions to correct this issue.

Best Regards,


0 Kudos

Hi All,

Please find the below error screen which i am getting.

Also i have checked for my DSO activation step, there is no master data loads and other process chain loads in between this activation.

The DSO activation step starts after the master data load to 0material and 0material_attr, and it is getting started after completion of DTP step only..



Active Contributor
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hi pavan,

You need to dig further, as my guess is your dso have some invalid or bad data. that's its failing.

your data packet 4 have some invalid records.

click on your error message(Process 00004 returned with error message) and see the right side, you may see error in detailed.

from error if possible try to share long txt message.


Former Member
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Hi Pavan,

you have to share the error log.

There are couple of reasons for getting such error. It could be that you have data with lower cases, if it is not allowed in your characteristic. Also you can be loading not allowed symbols for example "#" or "&".


0 Kudos


do u update all the special character list in "RSKC" tcode.

Permitted extra characters=>  




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Message directly indicates that there is an invalid character.

However as per your pervious conversation you are conveying message that you are able to process the data manually without modifying it in PSA.

Also you have no too many parallel processes in the system.

Can you please now try to activate process chain in the system and run it again.

Hope this helps.


Former Member
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when you run dtp second time you remove or change any record this will give idea about Fix need to apply in system.

Former Member
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Hi Pavan,

Simply go to SM37 when you ran this job and check the error message in the job log carefully. You will get the reason and resolution steps as well.

Former Member
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Hello Pawan,

Can you check the DSO Activation log in SM37 to check the exact error reason.

Best Regards,
