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DropdownByKey inside ALV Table - Problem with Value set

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I have Component A which has a custom controller that uses the interface controller of the ALV Component.

Custom controller has node ITAB.. that has certain attributes...

I want DropdownByKey inside the ALV Table column. I am populating the corresponding attribute of ITAB node with the value set that I want the drop down to have.

However when I execute the application..I get error

" Key XXX not present in Value Set and is not initial"

XXX is present in the Value Set table of the attribute.

<b>Following is my code in the methods of CUSTOM CONTROLLER</b>

<u>Generate Value Set</u>

nodeinfo_context = wd_context->get_node_info( ).

nodeinfo_ITAB= nodeinfo_context->get_child_node( wd_this->wdctx_ITAB ).

<u> Populate the Value Set</u>

data ls_valueset type wdy_key_value.

data it_valueset type wdy_key_value_table.

ls_valueset-key = 'FRA'.

ls_valueset-value = 'FRANCE'.

Append ls_valueset to it_valueset.

ls_valueset-key = 'SFO'.

ls_valueset-value = 'SAN FRANCISCO'.

Append ls_valueset to it_valueset.

<u>Set the Value Set for the Attribute</u>

call method nodeinfo_ITAB->SET_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_SET


NAME = <b>'ATTR1'</b>

VALUE_SET = it_valueset.

<u>Changing ALV Column</u>

  • Get the ALV Configuration Model

ifc_alv2 = wd_this->wd_cpifc_alv2( ).

itab_alv2_config = ifc_alv2->get_model( ).

itab_alv2_config->IF_SALV_WD_TABLE_SETTINGS~SET_READ_ONLY( abap_false ).

<u>Get the Column reference for ATTR1</u>

ref_alv2_colset = itab_alv2_config->if_salv_wd_column_settings~get_column( <b>'ATTR1'</b> ).

<u>Create the DropDownByKey Object</u>

CREATE OBJECT ref_dropdownkey

exporting SELECTED_KEY_FIELDNAME = ref_alv2_colset->id.

ref_dropdownkey->SET_SELECTED_KEY_FIELDNAME( <b>ref_alv2_colset->id</b> ).

ref_alv2_colset->SET_CELL_EDITOR( <b>ref_dropdownkey</b> ).

<u>Check the value set</u>

ref_attr_info = nodeinfo_flight_details2->get_attribute( ref_alv2_colset->id ).

I do get back the value set if I see ref_attr_info->value_set.

SO the Value Set is getting set for attribute ATTR1, but still I get Error

<b>"The value selectedKey = "SFO" in DropDownByKey "_8C" does not exist in the value list and is not initial either "</b><u></u>

SAP User

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Former Member
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Hi all!

l have an issue program MV50AFZ1 and check two FORM



But this two FORM nothing code

who is here my help?


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You have forgotten to set a cell variant. I had the same with setting a ProgressIndicator cell-editor to a table column as default editor. This causes the column to be hidden on the table while it did show up in the settings dialog. I removed the set_editor( lr_progressindicator) and created a cell variant instead with this lr_progressindicator. You then need to add this cell variant to your column. By default it will select the standard viewtext-cell-editor (which can only be textview and inputfield, like when you create a table yourself in a view), but if you use a cell variant, it will display the required cell editor if you set it (last line of the code).

<b>In your case, replace lr_progressindicator by your ref_dropdownkey.</b>

DATA: lr_column_settings TYPE REF TO if_salv_wd_column_settings,

lr_column TYPE REF TO cl_salv_wd_column,

lr_column_header TYPE REF TO cl_salv_wd_column_header,

lr_cellvar TYPE REF TO cl_salv_wd_cv_standard,

l_cellvar TYPE string,

lr_progress_indicator TYPE REF TO cl_salv_wd_uie_progr_indicator.

lr_column_settings ?= wd_this->mr_table.

lr_column = lr_column_settings->get_column( 'STATUSBAR' ).

lr_column_header = lr_column->get_header( ).

lr_column_header->set_text( 'Completed' ).

CREATE OBJECT lr_cellvar.

l_cellvar = 'CV_SB'.

lr_cellvar->set_key( l_cellvar ).

CREATE OBJECT lr_progress_indicator.

lr_progress_indicator->set_percent_value_fieldname( 'STATUSBAR' ).

lr_progress_indicator->set_tooltip( 'completed' ).

lr_cellvar->set_editor( lr_progress_indicator ).

lr_column->add_cell_variant( lr_cellvar ).

lr_column->set_selected_cell_variant( l_cellvar ).

I hope this will solve your issues.

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Cell variant does not matter in this case. This will work only by setting cell editor to drop down by key.

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You will need a cell variant to make that happen though (as you can see in my piece of code). If you have another solution I'm all ears.

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In setting the drop down, there is nothing wrong in your code. Though in the end to read the attribute, you can get the lead selection and then use it.

lr_element = lr_node->get_element( ).

lr_element->get_attribute( ).



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Guys,

Still having this issue. Seems DropdownByIndex DOES NOT work in a cell of a ALV Table.

It seems to set the Value Set correctly still the error is given that the Key is not in the value set.

ALso, another problem with ALV I noticed is that <b>after you personalize and save a View</b> , making it default (initial), next time your view loads, <b>the Table has NO COlumns at all</b>....

<b>Seems lots of BUGS with ALV Functionality</b>..

Please share ur thoughts on these....


Former Member
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Regarding your previous post, a dropdown by key works perfectly fine inside an ALV table. I have tried it having the code in the custom controller itself and it works fine for me. I have used the value_set of type wdr_context_attr_value. That is the expected type in set_attribute_value_set method.

Have not tried a drop down by index though.



Former Member
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DId u find anything wrong in my code above ? wdr_context_attr_value gives same error to me.