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Dokerize a .NET Application using SAP Hana connection


Hi dear team.

I have a problem and I don't know if is available to do it actually.

I'm trying to create a .NET application and connect it with SAP Hana Live db in my company.

I followed this tutorial Connect Using the SAP HANA .NET Interface | Tutorials for SAP Developers and the conection works correct.

The problem comes when I want to deploy the application using docker instead IIS.

I'm using the next dockerfile

When I deploy the app, the result image i'll see the Sap Hana dll needed for work, but when I run the methods in .NET api the next error appear.

If I put the library you mention inside the container, the following appears:

I don't know what todo for solve it.

Anyone knows how to do it?


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Can you get the SQLDBC trace?

Kind regards,
