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Deploying MobiLink, Error for: Rendering macro APPEND_VAR Failed.

Former Member

From a fresh installation of SA12, MobiLink and EBFs (version I cannot deploy my Synchronization Model properly. Operating system is Windows Server 2008 R2 and I am using the 64-bit edition of Sybase Central. I've also tried to run the deployment wizard on a Windows 8 computer with the same results.

.sql files for deployment seems to be fine, it fails on writing the .bat file for dbmlsync:

Output from deployment wizard:

Generating events. . .
Finished generating events.
Generating properties. . .
Finished generating properties.
Deploying. . . 
Deploying to 'C:\\TEST\\consolidated\\TEST_consolidated.sql'.
Finished deploying to 'C:\\TEST\\consolidated\\TEST_consolidated.sql'.
Deploying to 'C:\\TEST\\consolidated\\TEST_consolidated.bat'.
Finished deploying to 'C:\\TEST\\consolidated\\TEST_consolidated.bat'.
Deploying to 'C:\\TEST\\remote\\TEST_remote.sql'.
Finished deploying to 'C:\\TEST\\remote\\TEST_remote.sql'.
Deploying to 'C:\\TEST\\remote\\TEST_remote.bat'.
Finished deploying to 'C:\\TEST\\remote\\TEST_remote.bat'.
Deploying to 'C:\\TEST\\remote\\TEST_dbmlsync.bat'.
The synchronization model could not be deployed.
Error for: Rendering macro APPEND_VAR

Details from error message:

The synchronization model could not be deployed.
Error for: Rendering macro APPEND_VAR
Error for: Rendering macro APPEND_VAR
Error while generating output from templates Error while generating output from templates

This is how the dbmlsync bat file looks like, something's missing:

goto after_find_sa_bin
set _sa_bin="%sqlany12%\\Bin64\\"
if exist %_sa_bin%dbmlsync.exe goto after_find_sa_bin
set _sa_bin="%sqlany12%\\Bin32\\"

REM Setting variables. . .
if [%1] == [] goto usage
set PROFILE="TEST_test"

goto after_usage
REM Display Usage
echo Usage:   %0 CONNECTION
echo CONNECTION   REMOTE DBA connection string for synchronizing the remote database (eg "DBF=my_db.db;UID=my_sync_user;PWD=my_sync_pass") See also "GRANT REMOTE DBA statement" in documentation.
goto end

REM Executing commands. . .

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Former Member

Thanks for reporting this problem. It occurs because you unchecked the Save message log to the following file (using -ot option) option on the Verbosity For SQL Anywhere Remote Synchronization Client page of the Deploy Synchronization Model Wizard.

As a workaround, simply leave that option enabled (as it is by default) when deploying your synchronization model.

Update: The issue number for this bug is 723368 and the fix is in build, so will be in any future EBF releases with that build number or higher.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Thanks a lot ^^

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