on 2014 Aug 21 4:35 PM
i have a rails application connected with a hana db server. locally it works fine and my vm is also able to connect to that database (i tried isql Hana username password and the connection works). when i try to deploy my application i get the following exception:
Does anybody has a idea what the problem is?
================================================================================ [0m
[31mError executing action `deploy` on resource 'deploy_revision[advisory-service]' [0m
================================================================================ [0m
Chef::Exceptions::Exec [0m
---------------------- [0m
bin/rake db:migrate returned 1, expected 0 [0m
Resource Declaration: [0m
--------------------- [0m
# In /var/lib/monsoon/repos/cert/rails_dev/chef/cookbooks/sap-deploy/providers/rails.rb
70: deploy_revision new_resource.name do
71: repository new_resource.repository
72: revision new_resource.revision
73: user new_resource.owner
74: group new_resource.group
75: deploy_to new_resource.deploy_to
76: ssh_wrapper "#{new_resource.deploy_to}/deploy-ssh-wrapper" if new_resource.deploy_key
77: environment({
78: 'RAILS_ENV' => new_resource.rails_env,
79: 'PATH' => "#{node[:ruby][:bin]}:#{ENV['PATH']}"
80: })
81: symlinks new_resource.symlinks
82: migrate new_resource.migrate
83: migration_command new_resource.migration_command
84: symlink_before_migrate new_resource.symlink_before_migrate
86: notifies :send_notification, new_resource, :immediately
88: # A local variable with the actual new_resource for callbacks
89: local_resource = new_resource
91: before_migrate do
92: link "#{release_path}/vendor/bundle" do
93: to "#{local_resource.deploy_to}/shared/vendor_bundle"
94: end
96: common_groups = %w{development test cucumber staging production osx genesis} - [local_resource.rails_env]
97: bash "bundle install" do
98: cwd release_path
99: user local_resource.owner
100: group
101: environment ({'GIT_SSH' => "#{local_resource.deploy_to}/deploy-ssh-wrapper"}) if local_resource.deploy_key
102: code <<-EOH
103: echo Installling Dependencies
104: #{node[:ruby][:bin]}/bundle install --deployment --binstubs --shebang #{node[:ruby][:bin]}/ruby --without #{common_groups.join(' ')}
105: EOH
106: end
107: end
109: if new_resource.precompile_assets
110: before_symlink do
111: bash "assets precompile" do
112: cwd release_path
113: user local_resource.owner
114: group local_resource.group
115: code <<-EOH
116: echo Precompiling Assets
117: RAILS_ENV=production PATH=#{node[:ruby][:bin]}:$PATH bin/rake assets:precompile
118: EOH
119: end
120: end
121: end
Compiled Resource: [0m
------------------ [0m
# Declared in /var/lib/monsoon/repos/cert/rails_dev/chef/cookbooks/sap-deploy/providers/rails.rb:70:in `block in class_from_file'
deploy_revision("advisory-service") do
provider Chef::Provider::Deploy::Revision
action :deploy
retries 0
retry_delay 2
deploy_to "/srv/www/advisory-service"
environment {"RAILS_ENV"=>"production", "PATH"=>"/opt/ruby/1.9.3-p374/bin:/opt/chef/embedded/bin::/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin", "LC_ALL"=>"C"}
repository_cache "cached-copy"
purge_before_symlink ["log", "tmp/pids", "public/system"]
create_dirs_before_symlink ["tmp", "public", "config"]
symlinks {"system"=>"public/system", "pids"=>"tmp/pids", "log"=>"log"}
revision "refs/heads/master"
migrate true
remote "origin"
scm_provider Chef::Provider::Git
keep_releases 5
cookbook_name :advisory_service
repo "https://github.wdf.sap.corp/D062286/advisory-service.git"
user "nginx"
group "nginx"
migration_command "bin/rake db:migrate"
before_migrate # before_symlink # restart_command # after_restart #
shared_path "/srv/www/advisory-service/shared"
destination "/srv/www/advisory-service/shared/cached-copy"
current_path "/srv/www/advisory-service/current"
[2014-08-21T15:31:02+00:00] INFO: Running queued delayed notifications before re-raising exception
[2014-08-21T15:31:02+00:00] ERROR: Running exception handlers
[2014-08-21T15:31:02+00:00] ERROR: Exception handlers complete
[2014-08-21T15:31:02+00:00] FATAL: Stacktrace dumped to /var/chef/cache/chef-stacktrace.out
[2014-08-21T15:31:03+00:00] FATAL: Chef::Exceptions::ChildConvergeError: Chef run process exited unsuccessfully (exit code 1)
Command failed with exit code 1: /opt/chef/bin/chef-solo
Can you able to check the trace file chef-stacktrace.out , as per below path ?
[2014-08-21T15:31:02+00:00] FATAL: Stacktrace dumped to /var/chef/cache/chef-stacktrace.out
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