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Delta queue is not updating with new data in R/3

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I have issue with delta queue,

delta queue is not updating with newdata,which is always showing 0 records since past few days after upgrade R/3 from 4.6C to ECC5.0.

Datasource is 2LIS_01_S262 .

What would be the issue ?

Thanks in advances.



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Could you please some one can help me to find out the program, which is updating delta queue from the extract structred data in R/3.

Our structure is S262 which is SAP defined structure.

Delta queue is not updating with newdata,which is always showing 0 records since past few days after upgrade R/3 from 4.6C to ECC5.0.

Datasource is 2LIS_01_S262 .

What would be the issue ?

Thanks in advances.

Thanks in advances.



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Goto LBWE and in there check the job and see if its working fine and the settings are the same as before the upgrade or if anything else has changed.

Also goto SM37 and check to see if the job is still scheduled and running to push data from the extract queue to the delta queue.

Also make sure data is getting posted to the extract queue as well.



Former Member
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Hi Kedar,

We are using LIS structure ,not LO.

Data is updating in the extract structure and i can able to see the data in RSA3.

Where as in Delta queue which is not updating the same as Transferstructure data.

I hope there is some program which is not updating data into Delta Queue fron Extracter data.

Please currect me if i wrong.

I would like to do detal init without transfrer ,before that i am going to detete deltaqueue.after that i will do delta's.

Would it fixe my issue?.

Advise me in this area.



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Check the forum for correct LIS setup and compare that against your current settings.

Here's a useful thread on LIS extraction :

If you delete the existing delta queues you'll lose all the delta data currently there. What you can do is pull over all the data currently in the delta queues over to BW (if there is a delta queue then you already have an init in place).

Stop user activity and then delete the init and the delta queue. Then do the init wo data transfer and check if the delta queue has been reestablished. After that check to make sure that the data is flowing into the delta queues.Only after that have the users resume activity else you'll lose data if there are any postings during this exercise. Better to do this during offhours or at a time when there is minimal user activity.



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Hi Prasad,

When you are using LIS, the delta records will be posted into Infomation structure(s262) and also to delta tables s262biw1 or s262biw2 table. (Extract Queue..will be in LO not in LIS). When you check at RSA3, the system shows the records from information structure. i.e s262.

So, goto Se11 and check in s262biw1 or s262biw2 delta table whether your delta records are there or not.

If you found no records,then this could be because, your datasource 2lis_01_s262 is not delta enabled.

for this, goto Tcode LBW0 in r/3, input s262 and select option Activate delta updating.

Hope this helps!!


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Hi Vijay,

I checked both delta queue tables but the data is not available.

Where as in RSA3 the data available.

As you said if the data is not available in delta queue , goto LBW0 where i checked the structure s262 settings where i am getting error message.

"The LIS environment is set up incorrectly".

Shall i activate the datasource there ?.



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So, I think, you were going for full update previously, had you gone for initilization, you may end with unsuccessfull.

So, if you want to activate this datasource for delta enabling. Follow the steps\

1. you have to make the update to "No Updata" for s262 at Tcode omo1.

2. Goback to LBW0, select generate updating and execute

3. Select Activate and execute, you should get the log stating that it is successfull.

4. Goback to Tcode omo1, then make the update to the option what it was before

5. In Bw side, Initilize the delta, without data transfer

6. Now generate any transaction record, it will get posted into your delta tables from where the BW system picks the delta records, if you go for delta update(in Infopackage)



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Look at the thread I posted in the reply above. It has all the details of how to set up LIS delta.



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Is your V2 posting run job into the S262 still running?

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Before doing my previous steps, at LBW0, select the option setup LIS environment and execute and then later generate datasource too

And before you do initilization, make sure that you replicate the datasource



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My sourcesystem was supported Deltas earlies.

After upgrade R/3 system from 4.6C to ECC5.0 the delta queue is not updating with new data,I hope during upgrade the S262 Structure could have changed.Hence the data is not updated in the delta queue.

When i checked data for delta queues S262BIW1&S262BIW2 tables, there is no data,where as in RSA3 data is available.

Thanks in advance.



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Hi vijay kumar,

i have another doubt here that some times few information structures doesn't appear here. so at that what can we do..? in which step later the information structures appear here...?



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Did you check and see if the collector job is running properly to transfer the data from the Extract queue to the delta queue.

If that is working can you check using RSA3 if the extractor is working fine.



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I checked in RSA3 the extracter is working fine.

Would you please guide me how to check the collecter job which is transfering data from Extract queue to delta queue.

