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Deleting workflow items VS archiving workflow items ( only 1 Workflow)

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Hello folks,

I am new to workflow and I have question on deleting workflow VS archiving workflow. We have only one workflow (Time approval) in system, which is running from last 3 or 4 years. Having said that, what is the best approach, should I delete the old workflow say which are in 2000`s or should I archive it. SAP recommends’ to archive the work items not delete it .I just want opinion from the people who been there. Also, since we are running only one workflow, and I don’t think it’s a big deal to keep it in a system.

We should delete or archive if we are running bunch of workflows, but it just me.

Please share your thoughts, experiences and approaches. Keeping one workflow can cause system performance bottleneck? Also please share with me any good documentation, OSS notes to delete AND/OR archive workflow.




I’d imagine that deleting or archiving workflow is basis task?

Delete Work Item


This report deletes work items from tables without archiving.

Therefore, this report should not be used in a production system.

In a production system you must use archive management to archive and delete work items in order to ensure data consistency.


On the selection screen, you can set the following indicators in Technical settings.

● Number of work items per LUW

Here you can enter the number of work items to be deleted per database transaction. The setting is database-specific. Refer to SAP Note 107410.

● Delete immediately

If you set this indicator, the work items selected are deleted immediately.

Otherwise, a list is displayed in which you can delete work items using the function. You can also go to the workflow log by double-clicking.

● Delete log data as well

If you set this indicator, the log data for the selected work items is deleted from the workflow log.


You can access this function by choosing Tools ® Business Workflow ® Development ® Administration ® Workflow runtime ®Reorganization ® Delete work item.

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It depends on the Client that how long they want to keep the logs. That too your's is just 3-4 years old.

Regards, IA

Answers (1)

Answers (1)

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You have already provided the answer in your question. The hint is in the doco you quoted:

"Therefore, this report should not be used in a production system."

It also invalidates your audit trail when you start deleting things, there's no way to tell whether you deleted 2001 or 2008 data.

I wouldn't think a single TM workflow should be anything to worry about unless you're in the travel business and have already racked up several million workitems. Do you have perfomance issues? Does the inbox perform much slower than other SAP transactions? If not then I can think of far more interesting and useful things to do than archiving a single approval workflow.



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0 Kudos

Thanks for your reply IA & Mike !!

Mike, are you a mind reader :-). Since system is running smooth and we don’t have huge log for work items. I also don’t think it is a good idea to spend time to archiving one workflow item or even think about deleting it because of audit thing .. and Hell yea, we have lots of other things to work on

Any way thanks again!!

