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Deleting multiple records - SAP MDK

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Hi experts,
I want to delete the records of an entity by passing it a QueryOptions but I get the following error

delete entity error Params: {"service":{"entitySet":"Prueba","queryOptions":"$filter=idPrueba%20eq%20'f0deb6df'"}} Error: The query should have returned only one entity. It returned 2

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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In MDK delete entity only acts on a single entity.  You will need to use a rule and loop over the list of items calling delete entity for each one.

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I have this error when I delete one by one
error running action propagating error Action.Type.ODataService.DeleteEntity.0: Error: [-10125] Cannot delete this entity instance because another entity instance is dependent on it.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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In that case you need to check your odata model and possibly modify it to support Cascade Deletes if that is an option or you have to first delete the dependent items before you can delete this one.