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Deleting a client

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   In SANBOX i forgot the password for the created client(say 600),only we know the password for ddic to login,and i created one more new client,But i cannot log into this new client with sap* and PASS.

1)Is there anyway to delete the client from ddic?

2)Is there any option to delete the client from another client?

3)Is there any option to login to other client (say 600) with 000 client?

Accepted Solutions (1)

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Former Member
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Hi Pratish,

Please make this parameter login/no_automatic_user_sapstar to 0 .. restart the system.

Then login to DB level and delete the SAP* entry from the table USR02 with mandt = 600.

Then you will be able to login with SAP* / pass to the client 600..



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One correction. After setting the parameter login/no_automatic_user_sapstar to 0 and restarting the box try to login using SAP*/PASS combination. If it works fantastic else following the user deletion and subsequent steps as specified by Jagadish.

Now coming to your questions:

I believe when you say you created a new client you logged in using DDIC in existing client 600 and went to SCC4 and made a new entry for a new client. This doesn't mean that client has been created completely.

In this case you can login to client 600 and delete entry for new client in SCC4 (Question 2 answer) .

Coming to 3rd question theoratically you can do it by creating an RFC destination (Type 3) pointing to any client with a dialog user/password supplied for user credentials or them kept blank (in which case when doing a test connection you will be asked to supply user-id password) but I wonder why would anyone do this when he has the option of logging into any client using SAPgui directly.



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Dear Jagadish,

       Really its worked for me,thanks.......One more thing,other than SCC5, is there any option to delete the client.

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    I can log into 000 client only,But now after restarting the instance i can log into the newly created client with SAP* & PASS.

     If you can make my last question little more clear,it would be a great help for me.

Thanks a lot.

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Hi Prathish,

The best recommended way is to do it from SCC5....

You can also use R3trans command to delete the client but its not recommended.

Deleting the client using a small script

Example if we want to delete the client 410, open notepad and the type the below script & save the script as .cmd file.


Client = 410

Select * 

  1. Save this script name clntdel.cmd and copy it toà \usr\sap\trans\bin\

Execute the above script using r3trans

Example: r3trans –w del410.log  -u 1 clntdel.cmd

The above will remove the client and it will create a log file del410.log in the existing directory, below is the screen shot for clear information.

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Dear Jagadish,

        I want to know something regarding SAP*,We deleted the SAP * from the SQL and i was able to login to the client,But the SAP* user is not there in the client said 450 in database SQL.If the user is not there how we can loginto system.

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Then You can always login with SAP* /pass as the parameter is login/no_automatic_user_sapstar active....

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SAP* is hardcoded in the system and does not require user master record,. hence when the user master record is deleted it takes the "hardcoded" password.

Thats the reason why for security you should disable login/no_automatic_user_sapstar after using it and also create a new user master record for SAP* in SU01.

Regards, Juan

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   Thanks for the information.

Answers (1)

Answers (1)

Active Contributor
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1) You simply follow the procedure to reset user SAP* and then create a new user to run the deltetion. Its all well documented.

2) No

3) No

Regards, Juan