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Delete empty space and replace next field value in adobe form


Hi Team,

i need to print the address in adobe form like below

Text1 , Text2, Text4<br>Text5<br>Text6 Text7 Text8<br>Text9.

Incase Text 1 and Text5 are blank values it should be print asbelow

Text2, Text4<br>Text6 Text7 Text8<br>Text 9.

i used the below script in form:ready , and also maintained subform content as flowed but it is still not printing the blank space, please help me with wrire procedure

if ((this.rawvalue == null) || (this.rawvalue == "")) {<br>this.presence = "hidden" } 



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Hi uirji.netweaver ,

I created a simple template for demonstration purposes.

Is this the desired layout? (yellow marked fields will be NULL later on)

A preview would generate the following:

then I added a script on each Textfield, if there is no data, it should set the presence to hidden. I created a second preview data xml, where text1 (=10) is empty and also text4 (=40).

As a result I get the following:

But I think you want to have something like the following layout (see the subforms namend Line1, Line2, Line3😞

Again, I created an example, where all yellow textfields are NULL and the result would be the following:

(I think, this is what you asked for - at least I interpreted it in your question 😉 )

Maybe there is something included which can help you.




Thanks for your detailed reply, i did everything same as above but still empty value is not deleted and replaced by next field value. but to test i added this. Presence = "hidden"; this works fine, when i add the full script ( on each field), it's not working, please check the below code and let me know if any correction needed.

 if (this.isNull or this.rawValue == "") 
	this.presence = "hidden";
Thank youNK
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Hi uirji.netweaver ,

your last comment is not clear to me. you mix not deleted, replaced, presence="hidden",...My script is basically the same as yours:

What you need to do is to test with different Preview XMLs (I created 3 in my post from yesterday, where some fields are empty).If you want, I can attach my template and preview-xmls - just let me know.

Best Regards



i replaced with your code , its works well now . Thanks again for your help.