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DeepEntity or ChangeSet question

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I would like to know if there is a way to do the following OData Calls scenario.

I have a Parent Header Entity with 3 Childs (Items, Conditions, Texts).

In my flow during acquisition of an Order, before saving the Order, the user can simulate Price Conditions with a Button.

In this phase, I need to call Backend sending Header and Items data inserted from the user.

The backend with Header and Items Data shoud send back calculated Price Conditions(1..*), Gift Items(1..*), Automatic Texts(1..*).

There is a way to do this without save any information on Backend ?

I tried to use ChangeSet but, I do not receive any response (similar problem explained in this question: SAP MDK Changeset Response). Furthermore, as explained, I can't read the data after ChangeSet call because the data was not saved in the Backend in this phase.

I tried also to check the way to use DeepEntity calls but I do not understand how to do all the calls, send Header and Items, and receive Conditions, Items and texts, like explained above.

I would like to avoid saving local information in the Backend that I have to read after the request calls.

Any suggestion ?




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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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When you say "In this phase, I need to call Backend sending Header and Items data inserted from the user." what does that mean?  Are you calling a function in your OData service to return the Price Conditions or how are you passing the data to your Pricing Condition calculator?

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Hi Bill,

we are using an OData V2 and all data is passed through a ChangeSet call.

Unfortunately ChangeSet does not return response than we tried a workaround where we send data to backend in a specialized entity through a simple CreateEntity with Header and Item attribute passed in JSON format, Backend then send back calculated JSONs.

You mention the function, i never used it before, do you have an example ? Thanks.