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Decoupling of AR, AP, GL Datasources (i.e. 0FI_AR_4)

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I've checked out several posts regarding the topic of Decoupling 0fi_ar_4 0fi_ap_4 from 0fi_gl_4, but unfortunatly still don't see my specific issue.

We have PI 2004_1_46c, BW 3.0b. I found an OSS note 826023 that says it decouples the extractors. Now, i thought this would remove the dependency, but we applied this and the dependency is still there.

In R/3, using RSA3, if I try to view 0FI_AR_4 data, I cannot unless 0FL_GL_4 has been loaded into BW. I have no use for GL at this time, so I really do want to remove this dependency.

ALSO, I used CMOD to add logic in the customer exit to populate zz* fields I added to the structure append. I read in another thread that I could do it this way instead of using the SAP suggested function module (from SAP documentation). However, now that I have done that, when I try to run the delta init, it just sits there. When I look at the job log (R/3), it is empty, save for some comments. Any idea why?

Any help would be appreciated!!


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Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Guys!,

I'm having the same problem, does anybody know if it possible to decoupling the FI extractors??



Former Member
0 Kudos

You can ignore the "ALSO" section of my post where i refer to CMOD. It's just taking a long time.

Still need help with the decoupling question, though!



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Lisa,

Check if the corrections in the note 551044 have been applied, if yes try using the procedure for decoupling as mentioned in the notes.

Hope it helps resolve the problem.

Former Member
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Correct me if I'm wrong, but note 551044 says it's for a lower level PI than we are currently at (2002). We are at 2004_1_46c. Also, it says the solution to note 551044 is to apply 826023, which we have done.
