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Debugging the STS Portal screen

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Hi Guys,

Is it possible to debug the STS portal screen? I want to check what makes the buttons (such as reject/approve/send for revision) gray and available?

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Former Member
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I had raised an SAP message for this. SAP reverted back that if a person is assigned to bother contributor and approver, the system may behave incorrectly...

As per them, the solution is working as designed... so better choice is not to assign a same person two different positons.

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I think that debugging STS is impossible, but you can try to set breakpoins in some FM related to STS.

Goto SE37 and search FM by the next pattern: UPSSTS*

You will get about 30 FM related to STS.


Former Member
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I was able to debug the STS in SE80. I just cannot find what make the buttons gray out or available for user to click

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I think you need to use specific cases: there are several factors that affect what is enabled or not:

1 workflow logic (e.g. you cannot send for approval if the entity is already approved. But a user (with sufficient rights) can approve even if not sent for approval).

2 position in the planning hierarchy

3 authorisation of users

4 customising, particularly assignment of users to entities. If a user is assigned to multiple levels in the hierarchy, then they can do things you may not expect them to be able to do.


Former Member
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My issue is very much related to the point 4 from your list.

- I have a user who is the contributor in the bottom up hierarchy - say point A

- He the approver for point A.

He was able to approve the budget from point A. But when he tries to send it back for revision, the buttons r grayed out...

We experimented by replacing his ID from point A. Then he was able to send it back for revision

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I would not have expected that to happen if assigned at both 'parent' and 'child' levels. Sounds like the unit might have had a lock still active; maybe a previous lock not timed out or ended. If it's repeatable, check the lock status ('present status' link), or the 'edit' button again.


Former Member
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Each user gets a different view of this screen depending on authorizations and customising.

'Ordinary' planners should be authised only to see their relevant organisational entities in the STS; (role assignment should include object R_STS_PT). In which case the allowed or required buttons will be enabled unless the entity is locked. (Check the 'Present status' link from Details screen).

Super-users should be authorised to see an overview of the whole planning organisation (assignment should include object R_STS_SUP). In this case some buttons on the detail screen may be greyed out until activated using the 'Edit' button. Or check the 'Present status' in case of other users already locking the item.
