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DBMS gateway connectivity issue

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I had an issue on DBMS gateway connectivity. I didn't get output as displayed in the user guide.

I tried to start gateway on the source DBMS (same server which a migration tool installed) but it seems not working as below response.

Please let me know how to proceed or fix it.

Many thanks

Here is my gateway config file.

0 Kudos
Can you confirm if you have openned the gateway on your local machine or the database server?

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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It complains about the config_properties file ... have you modified it since you sent it here before ?. Can you share the current version you have ?.

Regarding the start_SAPDBMTK_gateway.bat, please don't use the one you have created, keep the original one without any modification and create a new one called, for instance, start_gatway.bat, include this content in it:

set MSSQL_JDBC=C:\sqljdbc_9.2\enu\mssql-jdbc-9.2.1.jre8.jar

start_SAPDBMTK_gateway %MSSQL_JDBC%

And then try to start the gateway with the new bat file, if you get the same error we have to analyze carefully the config_properties file.



0 Kudos

Hi Javier,

It finally works!! By start the gateway with the new bat file containing MSSQL_JDBC pathname. It seems that the gateway cannot start by modifying pathname variable in the original bat file.

I really appreciate your help. Thank you so much 🙂



Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Glad to hear it finally worked.



Answers (4)

Answers (4)

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

I am noticing a couple of things:

- It seems you are using "start_sapdbmtk_gateway-2.bat" instead of "start_sapdbmtk_gateway.bat", have you modified the original one for any reason ?

- The path for jdbc driver is having spaces, can you try to copy the driver .jar file to a place like "c:\tmp\mssql_jdbc...jar" (no spaces) and then try to start it with:

start_sapdbmtk_gateway.bat c:\tmp\mssql_jdbc...jar


0 Kudos

Hi Javier,

I modified the original one by altering PATHNAME, then saved as 'start_sapdbmtk_gateway-2.bat' as attached pic.

I tried moving .jar file to a new place 'C:\sqljdbc_9.2\enu\mssql-jdbc-9.2.1.jre8.jar' and then started gateway by double-clicking the modified bat. Poorly, I still got same result.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi Jarinee,

I haven't tried that jdbc driver but at the moment I discard any problem with it and the issue is appearing before reaching that point, it happens indeed with starting the gateway. I have configured and used the gateway before without doing an official install for the jdbc driver, you only need the file and point the gateway to id, that shouldn't be a problem.

Can you tell me how are you starting the gateway ?, have you created a bat file ?, can you share that .bat file ?. I am trying to reproduce the problem locally but not able.


0 Kudos

Hi Javier

Of course, is the host where the migration tool is installed and where the gateway is going to run.

I've just changed net.acceptor.port to 4001 and allowed all ports on this server. But the problem still occurs same as previously. Please see below pics.

I'm wondering is the issue relating JDBC Driver?

Since I downloaded and manually copy folder of mssql-jdbc-9.2.1.jre8.jar to path 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft JDBC DRIVER 9.2 for SQL Server\sqljdbc_9.2\enu\'

It's not already installed at first.

0 Kudos

Sorry. Here are the attached pics.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi Jarinee,

I think you are not configuring and starting the gateway properly, my understanding is that is the host where the migration tool is installed and where the gateway is going to run, right ?, that's ok then, but in net.acceptor.port I see you have the typical port where SQL Server is started and that's wrong, you should use any free port in that host and that port will be the port used by the the gateway wjhen starting, imagine you use the following port:


When you start the gateway after this setting you should see in the gateway console something like:

INFO:Listening Server initialized successfully:ServerSocket [addr=<hostname>/,localport=12345]

Now you can go on configuring your project and you have to set param-id #111 to 12345, that is the port where the gateway is listening:

After this you can try the sapdbmtk command you want to execute and in the command line you have to specify the SQL Server name/host/port, for example this is a typical "extract" command for SQL Server:

sapdbmtk extract <project_folder> MSSQL2017 <sql_server_host_or_ip> 1433 sa <sa_passwd>

Where MSSQL2017 in the SQL Server instance name and 1433 is the port where SQL Server is started.

Can you verify all this and try again. Let me know how it goes please.
