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dbisql: file not found ?



Attempts to run interactive sql from a command line on a linux server are failing:

> dbisql

-bash: /opt/sqlanywhere12/bin32/dbisql: file not found

Yet the file dbisql does exist.

'source'ing does not fix the problem.

This is a fresh install (ga1201, ubuntu12). Other command line utilities work normally (dblocate, dbinit, etc).

I'm puzzled. Any suggestions?

(Edit: more information)

> . /opt/sqlanywhere12/bin64/
iAnywhere Solutions, Inc. One Sybase Drive, Dublin, CA 94568, USA
Copyright (c) 2001-2011, iAnywhere Solutions, Inc. Portions copyright (c) 
1988-2011, Sybase, Inc. All rights reserved. All unpublished rights reserved.

> which dbisql

> dbisql
-bash: /opt/sqlanywhere12/bin32/dbisql: No such file or directory

> ls -al /opt/sqlanywhere12/bin32/dbisql
-r-xr-xr-x 1 root root 340236 Jun 28 19:20 /opt/sqlanywhere12/bin32/dbisql
0 Kudos

What is the output of 'which dbisql'?

What are the permissions on /opt/sqlanywhere12/bin32/dbisql? Does this file have execute permissions?

0 Kudos

Thanks Mark, answers in the edited question.

This is a hosted VM on a remote server. The error message appears to be generated by bash.

0 Kudos


 hash -r


0 Kudos

Thanks Dan, but no.

hash -t dbisql shows /opt/sqlanywhere12/bin32/dbisql

hash -r clears that path. Sourcing resets it.

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Documentation says (readme_en.txt in install bundle) and online:

"On 64-bit Linux distributions, you must install the 32-bit compatibility libraries if you want to use the administration tools. In particular, the 32-bit X11 libraries are required. On Ubuntu, run:

sudo apt-get install ia32-libs

This solved the issue.

> dbisql -nogui

(Not Connected)>

dbisql was never missing. dbisql was running but couldn't find some file that was in the 32bit libs.

A more descriptive error message saying which file was missing would be helpful for people like me!


Ironically, I am the one that added that readme item, but I too did not recognize/connect the error message with that problem. I thought about it after my original post, but you had alrady figured it out.

I've added the error message you provided to the readme item, to hopefully help people who run into this in the future. Thanks for providing that!

0 Kudos

Cheers for that Dan.

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