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dates in two queries

0 Kudos


I created a 2 query report. In the first query i set that i want to see different persons operations executed after 01/01/2020 (date 1), in the second query i set that another operations i want to see after (greater than or equal to) "date 1". The problem is that i want that if from the first query transaction is executed on 01/07/2020, from the second query i want that it finds operations after 01/07.2020 (not after after 01/01/2020 (date 1)). Is there any solution?


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Active Contributor
0 Kudos

By "two queries" do you mean that you have two Commands in your report or are you using a subreport for the second query?

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Answers (1)

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Your question is not clear enough to understand your requirement.

do you mean that you want to filter the data of the first query (>= 01.01.2020) to only display the data (>= 01.07.2020)?

a screenshot of sample data and the expected result is helpful in answering your question.