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Datasphere Transport management is terrible, what am I missing?


The longer I am using Datasphere, the more frustrated I become about some design choices and at this point I am wondering if I miss something.

I have a very simple landscape with a dev Datasphera and a prod Datasphere. Most of the time, I want to transport medium sized changes to already existing models and views.

Currently, you can either use packages, where you always have to grab all dependencies but you do have the option to organize all changes into some sort of "unit" or "package" or you do it manually and you might forget to transport a change you made.

So exactly the option that I need the most: Package a few changes into a transport without the entire dependency chain, is missing.

All I need is the ability to create a package without all the dependencies. Very simple! And that is how the transport management works in SAP R3 and R4? What was the reasoning not to do it with Datasphere?

On top of that, the UI is especially slow there. Simply opening the initial dialogue takes 30 seconds.

What it all boils down to is that even minor changes that should be 5 minutes take me 30 minutes because of the clunky and slow implementation. 

But I cannot rule out, that I do something wrong so I am here posing the question if other people see it the same way or if make mistakes.

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Hi @alexander_john_berlin ,

I feel your pain, personally I find helpful the following approach: the first package export with all the dependencies (note the export timestamp), then create a new package for changes only, in Transport -> new package, go to add objects and type into search ** - that will return all the objects of your space. By sorting on column "Changed On" in a descending order you will get a list of recently changed objects - those you need to select.

Yes, that is still a manual process but at least you don't miss any change since you know the last export timestamp.

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Hello SiarheiShydlou, good idea about the ** search! Currently I also sort by change date and then select manually. This at least works somehow but trouble starts when you work on multiple projects at the same time and you have to come back to an old project. And there would be one really easy fix to make it substantially better: Let me add objects to an existing export! I can remove objects but why can't I add some? These design choices make no sense to me!