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Data Access Control on live data from HANA



I am trying to give data access control to users based on their region, plant, designation etc. so as to control what data users can access.

When the data is imported from a flat file, we can find the option and grant read access to the users.

But in case of live SAP HANA connection, this options is unavailable.

Please suggest how can I give data access control in case live connections. Is there workaround I can follow?


Rishabh Bhardwaj

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Hello rishabhrbs96,

Data access control on live connection (including live HANA) is not supported. Access control is taken care by back end system (HANA in your case). If a user have access in SAC to a slice of data, then same user will have same data level access in SAC (model created on same Hana table). This is by design.

Although you can setup object based control on SAC side(even for live models). For example, your row level security will be taken care by your source HANA system and model, story, apps, story link etc. sharing control can be managed on SAC side.

Additional reading material - security concept in SAC:

Assigning Roles and Security Permissions in SAP Analytics Cloud

If you find above info helpful, feel free to up-vote and accept this answer. This will help grow knowledge based and my help others looking for similar solution.



Answers (1)

Answers (1)

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hi rishabhrbs96,

For any live connecdtion (not only HANA live), data is NOT persised in SAC. Security control is done on the data source(in this case HANA) through the user used to get data.

Best regards, William