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daemon service, the XS Services are also not starting. + daemon service has status INITIALIZING

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HI Guys,

The daemon service, the XS Services are also not starting.

After running the following OS command to check the status of all SAP HANA services.

sapcontrol -nr 00 -function GetProcessList

hdbdaemon, HDB Daemon, YELLOW, Initializing,
hdbxscontroller, HDB XS Controller, RED, Stopped, , , -1
hdbxsexecagent, HDB XS Execution Agent, RED, Stopped, , , -1
hdbxsuaaserver, HDB XS UAA Server, RED, Stopped, , , -1


we have an existing hanacockpit where i can run xs

is hanacockpit and xsa advanced supposed to be hosted on the same tenant ?



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Yes, it is supported and strandard setup to have hana db and xsa together on the same host. See 2596466 - FAQ: SAP HANA XS advanced