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Former Member
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Hi experts,

I'm working with the webdocuments (CVAW_ENTIRE).

It was fine but now there is always an BSP-Error when I try to create a document (it worked before?).

It says that I have to create an SICF Application Node for sap/cvaw_document_create ... but I did not need this before?

I thought all the other cvaw_* (like create, display, ...) are called via cvaw_entire?

Thanks for answers.

Regards Volker

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

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here the problem is different. The application name is simply too long for ICF.

Implement the note: #1038797 with SNOTE

and execute the report: BSP_UNLOCK_LONG_APP

for the application: cvaw_document_create or any long named application you need.

Best regards,


Answers (2)

Answers (2)

Former Member
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Thanks a lot, the SAP note helped and it works fine again.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Volker,

Here is how to create Services.

<a href="">Creating and Configuring an ICF Service</a>

<a href="">Creating a Service</a>

hope this helps.
